Chapter thirteen- Death got me

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I found myself in a dark place with nothing in sight,but then i looked around and saw a man figure not far away from me. I look at him and he just stared at me for a minute. "You're early" he finally said. I was confused for a moment. His eyes were cold and lifeless as he stared at me. "You have no idea who I am,do you?" He asked. "You'd think the confused looks and blank stare would have answered that for you" I answered. "I'm Death" he simply said.

Bella's pov'

"Death?" I asked confused. I've heard of the men,umm thing, i never actually met him. "You weren't supposed to be here this soon" he said staring blankly at me. "Oh, I'm sorry,did I ruin your spa time?" I asked. I really need to learn to shut up. He stared at me for a moment and then chuckled. "You're going to be out there fighting those shadows soon" he said. "How? I'm dead. Even if I wasn't, I have no idea how I'm going to beat them" i said. "You'll figure it out soon. It's time for you to leave" as soon as he said that i woke up in Dean's arms with Sam leaning over me. "Bella? Hold on, I couldn't feel a pulse or anything,you died" said Sam. "Yeah,well it didn't stick" i said and continued "Where are Crowley and Rowena?". "They took the bowl with your blood and disappeared. They probably went somewhere else to release the Shadows" answered Dean "I  met Death" i said. "Wait what? You should have met a reaper,not Death" said Dean. "What did he say?" Asked Sam. For some reason I couldn't remember anything about that meeting. "I-i don't know" i said. "Wait,you forgot?" Asked Sam. "I didn't forget what happened, I just... misplaced the memories. They'll come back to me eventually" I answered hopefully. "We need them to come back to you now" said Dean and continued "Maybe he told you something about how to beat the Shadows". I was pretty sure he didn't tell me how to beat them. "He didn't tell me how to beat them. He said I'll figure it out myself" i said and then continued "I don't know how to do that". "You remembered?" Asked Sam and I nodded. "Lets leave this place" said Dean and we all walked towards the exit.


Moments later we were in the Impala driving to the bunker. "Do you think they've done it yet? The spell?" I asked. "I don't notice anything strange happening" said Sam looking through the window as I did the same. After a few minutes of driving a loud explosion was heard not far from us and a bright light cut through the sky. I tried to cover my eyes because the light was blinding me and so did Sam as Dean  smashed the brakes and the car came to a stop. "I think they just did it" said Dean as we all looked at the bright light until it disappeared. As soon as the light disappeared black shadows came crawling towards us covering a lot of ground in the process. "Hold on" said Dean and as soon as he said that the car started rolling and everything went black.

I opened my eyes slowly feeling my head thumb with pain. I had blood dripping down my forhead and I tried to wipe some of it enough to be able to see. I looked around and thankfully the Impala wasn't rolled over. The front window had broken and I saw Sam but I couldn't see Dean in the driver's seat. "Sam,wake up" I said as I shook his sholder to wake him up. After a few seconds he opened his eyes and looked around frantically. I got out of the car and started searching for Dean as I looked around,everything seemed normal except the fact that the sky was dark and I was pretty sure we didn't pass out for that long. I found Dean laying on the ground a few feet from the Impala beside a tree so I ran over and sat by his side. "Dean,are you okay?" I asked as I grabbed his face with both of my hands. He opened his eyes and tried to get up. "What happened?" he asked as he rubbed his face. "I'm not sure,but it doesn't look good" i said looking at the watch on Dean's hand which showed it's 15:36pm. "It's not supposed to be dark at almost four p.m right?" asked Dean as Sam got out of the car. "Oh no,baby, what have they done to you?" said Dean as he got up and walked towards the Impala.

 "Oh no,baby, what have they done to you?" said Dean as he got up and walked towards the Impala

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We were trying to figure out what to do next as we started heading for the bunker. As soon as we arrived i went inside searching for answers on the books around the bunker. "Hey,don't you think you should take it easy there? You might have a concussion" said Dean as he approached me at the table where i was going through the books frantically. "I don't have time to wait around and see what happens next. The shadows are already here and they're roaming around the city this very moment. I can't sit around and do nothing. Not since it's my fault they're here in the first place" i said as i felt a sharp pain in my head. "We're gonna get through this okay? We'll do this together" Sam said as he stood by Dean's side. Knowing i have my family around me to help me get through this eased my pain and the stress i was feeling. That was until I heard someone talk behind Dean and Sam. "Hey my little girl" said the tall figure that now stood before me. "Dad?" i said with eyes wide open.

Hey guys,I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really stressed out and at one point even depressed,college is getting the best of me. I haven't been able to keep my mind straight,thus the reason why I haven't written in so long. I'm not making any promises as to when I'm gonna update new chapters,but I'm gonna try. Leave a comment and vote if you liked it please,i could use your motivation ♥️ Also sorry for the short chapter.

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