Chapter five

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We arrived at the tattoo store and we got in. "Okay,who is getting tattoed?" The tattoo artist asked us. "She is.Give her this" Dean said showing his anti-demon tattoo.I sat down on the chair and Dean sat next to me so he could show the artist the tattoo. "Where do you want it?" The guy asked.
"Umm.. here" i said pointing at my arm. "Okay,get ready cause it's going to hurt.Especially since it's your first one" he said. "Oh,no,it's not my first one!" I replied and Dean looked at me surprised so i showed him the tattoo on my wrist that i got when i turned 18. It said 'Seize the day'.

I winced closing my eyes when he put in the needle.It hurt like hell so i started gripping on the armchair,but then i felt a hand holding mine.I opened my eyes and saw Dean giving me a reassuring smile,so i smiled back.He has been surprisingly nice ever since that night at the bar when we almost spilled all our secrets to each other.

Bella's pov'

We got out of the tattoo store and hit the road to find Kevin.I don't actually know the kid,but Sam and Dean say that he is a prophett and i know that he is the only one that can read the tablet.


We were driving in the car when i heard a flap of wings and then i saw Cass sitting next to me. I jumped from my seat and hit the car's roof. "Gosh! What the heck?!" I said as i rubbed my head. "Sorry,i'm not good at warnings before i appear" Cas said looking slightly uncomfortable.
"Do you have a track where Kevin might be?" Dean asked Cass. "Yes" said Cass and disappeared,then came right back with Kevin sitting by my side. "Guys?! What's going on?" Kevin asked. "Did you know that there is another tablet with all the things we need to know about Demons? And also how to lock the gates of Hell?" I asked him. "I'm sorry but...who are you?" He asked raising his eyebrows. "Just answer the question!" I said getting impatient. "Yes...i mean,kind of" he answered. "What do you mean kind of? Did you or not? And if yes why didn't you tell us?" Dean asked looking at Kevin from his mirror. "I..i was scared because Crowley was and still is looking for me too.He has the tablet and he wants me to translate it for him" Kevin said and we all fell in silent. "So what now? How are we going to get it?" I asked. "I don't know! But first lets go to the bunker" Dean said and continued driving. "The bunker? You've got a bunker and you never once thought that it would be more safe and comfortable to go there in the first place?!" I said with an angry tone. "Hey,Bella,calm down.We just found it yesterday. Apparantly Bobby forgot to tell us about it" Sam said and rolled his eyes.


We arrived at the bunker and we got inside. "Why don't we trap Crowley and get him to give us the tablet?" I suggested. "He won't give it to us that easy" Dean said looking through some books.It was late at night and i was tired as hell.I rubbed my eyes and Dean noticed me so he said "Go get some rest.Take my room.We'll find something that can help us".I nodded and went to his room.It was filled with guns and knives on the wall,but it was really clean.


I woke up when i heard Dean cursing outloud.I ran fast down stairs and saw papers on the floor but Kevin was nowhere to be seen.And Cass probabbly disappeared. "What happened?" I asked. "Crowley took Kevin!" Sam said. "How?" I asked as i picked the papers from the floor. "He went for a walk with Cass and didn't come back for almost one hour,and then we got a call from Crowley saying that he got to him" Dean explained.

We sat on the table and started to think of a plan on how to save Kevin and also take the tablet.
"I found out that we can make some explosives that can kill Demons,so i think it will be easier to get in the place where Crowley has him when we actually find the place,because there will be a lot of Demons there for sure" I said looking between them. "You sure are good at getting all the details out of some books" Dean said smiling. "So how do we make those explosives?" Sam asked. "The ingredients are hard to find,so i'm not sure how we're gonna do it" as soon as i said that we heard a flap of wings and we knew it was Cass. "Cass? where have you been?" Dean asked standing up. "Hiding" Cass answered. "Yeah,and by the way nice job at protecting Kevin" i said getting angry. "I couldn't protect him! There were too many of them and i was alone" Cass said. "Write down those ingredients,i'll make sure to find them" he said.I wrote them down and gave the peace of paper to him,and he disappeared.


After a few minutes of waiting Cass came back with all the ingredients.We made the explosives and started looking for anything strange that could lead us to the place where Kevin was beeing held. "What are you searching for?" Cass asked. "Something that might lead us to Kevin" i answered. "What? But i already know where they are!" Cass said and we all turned to look at him as in a 'Are you serious?'' look. "And you waited until now to tell us?" Dean asked him. "I just thought that you were waiting for the right time...i'm not sure...i guess i should have told you" he replied. We stayed like that for a minute and then i said "Sooo??" And then Cass said "Soo?". "So take us there God damnit Cass!" I said and grit my teeth getting more impatient. "Oh,right!" As soon as Cass said that we appeared at the place we've been looking for. "There are two doors to get in,one is right there,and the other one is in the back.I can't get in until you get rid of two simbols that look like this" Cass said and drew one simbol that looked like a half star on Sam's hand.

"We should split up.Dean,you and Bella go through the back door,i'll take the front door" Sam said and started heading to the front door when i grabbed his arm stopping him from going any further. "Sure, as soon as we make sure that the two of them are dead!" I said pointing at the two Demons that were standing in front of the front door.I looked at Dean and he just nodded,agreeing with me.
We went together and killed the two of them.Then Sam spray painted the simbol that Cass told us to get rid of.Now there was one more to go.

Me and Dean headed for the back door.We saw a Demon and i distracted him,and then Dean stabbed him in the back.Dean spray painted the second simbol.I started heading in when one Demon grabbed me by my throat out of nowhere.I couldn't see Dean but i could tell that one Demon got to him too.In that moment i thought it was all over.The mission failed.

Hi guys,i hope you enjoyed this chapter.Please vote.For the ones that don't know,i've made some changes on chapter four-part two.bye♡♡ love ya -Lina

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