Chapter eleven

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My eyes widened when i saw his name and I didn't hesitate once about answering it. "Dean" i breathed out. "You're okay?!" He said in relief. Tears of joy ran down my cheeks from hearing his voice again. "What does he want you to do?" He asked. "He wants me to help him bring the Shadows back" i said. "What? I thought they're not real. How exactly can you help him do that?" He asked and I explained everything to him then he said "No. I'm not going to lose you.I'm coming to get you if that's the last thing i do" and with that he hung up.

Bella's pov'

I was staying in my room when i heard a knock on my door. 'Please go away'. "Come in" i said.Crowley opened the door and got inside. "You need to eat" he said. "No.What i need is,to go home,have a nice shower,watch some Netflix and enjoy my life. But clearly that's not gonna happen" i replied bluntly. He just kept looking at me without saying anything. "If you don't need anything,please leave. I'd like to be alone" i said but he didn't move. "I understand, you're upset. It's not your fault that a Demon decided to bleed on your mouth. But now you have to take responsibility" he said but i interrupted "Responsibility? To be evil? To put all these innocent people in danger? If it was up to me i would say No thankyou.But i guess my fate is being decided for me" i said while standing up angrily.

"I want to ask you something" i said and he nodded for me to continue. "Can i make a deal with you?" I asked. "Of course. As long as it doesn't involve not releasing the Shadows" he answered. "I'm gonna help you release them. But after that,if I survive,i want you to let me go back home,and i want you to not stop us from fighting back. Do we have a deal?" I asked. "Yes" he answered. I was surprised to say the least. "Really?" I asked. "Yes. I'm only going to release them. I don't care what happens to them after that. And after the ritual is done, I won't need you anymore,so yes" he answered.

"So how is this done? I'm not kissing you just so you know" i said and he took out a folded long,and i mean really long letter. "Sign there" he said handing me a pen. I signed as fast as i could. "You know that i will come to you in ten years don't you?" He asked and i nodded.He got out so I decided to call Dean. It rang a few times than i heard his voice "This is Dean's other,other phone so you must know what to do". I sighed annoyed by the fact that i knew he was up to something since he's not answering.

I've been trying to get a hold of Dean for 2 hours now but no luck. I decided to walk around the place for a while so i got out of the room. I started walking down the other way of the hall so I wouldn't end up on the big room where Crowley was. There were a lot of jails but they were empty. Then i came across one jail with a girl that looked like she was 20 years old,in it. She looked hurt. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She didn't respond and she held her head low. Obviously she wasn't okay so i asked "What's your name?". "Gina" she replied. "Nice to meet you. What got you here?" I asked and she looked up to me. "Don't act like you don't know. You don't even care" she answered. "I'm not a demon. If that's what you're thinking. I promise. I know that it doesn't look like it,but I'm being held against my will too. I'm a prisoner just like you" i said. "I've killed someone" she said. I took a step back,but I don't know why. I wasn't scared. "I'm sure you had a reason for it" i said. "If killing your boyfriend and your bestfriend because they cheated on you with each other is called a reason,then yes i did" she said. "You shouldn't be here" i heard a voice and I jumped backwards  and almost fell. I saw Crowley standing a few feet away from me. "I..I was just.." I started to think of an excuse but he interrupted me "Save it.Go back to your room and eat your dinner". I looked at the girl one last time. "Go eat your dinner princess.Prisoner my ass" she said while rolling her eyes and turning the other way. I sighed disappointed and started walking to my room. "I was just talking to her. I've got no one to talk to" i said and he looked at me from the corner of his eyes and said "You can talk to me". I scoffed and got in my room,closing the door behind me so he doesn't get in. I saw the food he left for me on the table next to the bed,but i really didn't feel like eating so i sat on the bed looking at the walls,when i heard something crash outside and than some shoutings. I got up and opened the door. I looked down the hallway and saw some dead demons on the floor not too far away from my room. When i looked on the other way i saw a familiar face  that has become like a little brother to me. "Sam" i shouted down the hall.

I'm sorry this is shorter than usual but it's the end of the school year and I've been really busy. I hope you enjoyed ❤️ Btw follow @selenagomesh on instagram. She made my beautiful cover photo for this book.

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