Chapter fifteen- Skaar

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I saw the numbers 666 on my screen and i knew immediately who it was. "Crowley" i said with an angry tone as soon as I answered the phone. "Don't be so bitter now sweetheart. I'm calling for a peace offer" he said over the phone. "Not interested" i said and was about to hang up when he said "Wait! I know you're not my biggest fan right now but at this point you're going to have to bare with me. Having the Shadows roaming my kingdom is not working out in my favor anymore. We should meet up,discuss our next move" he said and with that he hung up. "What did he say?" asked Sam. "I don't even know anymore" I said feeling confused.

Bella's pov'

We were on our way to the warehouse that Crowley told us to meet him at. I don't know why I agreed to do this,but something tells me that it's for the best. Dean was driving the Impala while i was in the backseat with Cas and Sam was in the passengers seat. I couldn't keep my eyes open and my head would fall down every minute that passed and Dean noticed that through his front mirror. "Why don't you get some sleep back there?" He asked. "I can't. He won't shut up" I said referring to my dad. Cas tried to make him disappear before we left the bunker but it was no use. He said that there's too much damage that even an angel's grace can't heal. And it wasn't because of the concussion i had,it was a side effect of the Shadows being released because of me.

After a one hour drive we arrived at the destination. "Let's talk business" Crowley said as soon as we got out of the car. "I thought you were smarter Crowley. Why in any way would you think that releasing the Shadows would come to your benefit?" I asked staying just a few feet away from him along with the boys and Cas. "Well,they said some things,and i said some things,and we couldn't come to an agreement. They want my kingdom. And there's no way in hell that I'll give it to them" he said with a smirk. "What's your plan?" Dean asked. "I was thinking using Bella as bait. After all,she was the one who released them,they might even think that she's on their side now with a little acting of her own" Crowley said. "No" Dean said with a blank face as if  that is out of the question. "Dean" I said looking at him indicating for him to stop. "What am I supposed to do?" I asked motioning him to continue with the plan.

"Okay,time out" said Dean as he gathered us in a circle to talk about it. "You can't be seriously considering this. The guy is a lunatic. For all we know the Shadows asked him to bring you as a sacrifice" Dean said. It could be true but then again I'm past trying to survive. "I think you should reconsider this Bella. It's too dangerous" said Cas. "Yeah,besides,we don't even know if his plan will work. For all we know you might even just make them more mad than they already are" said Sam. "I made a deal with Crowley,you all know that. Even if I don't do this I'll die before my ten years are even over. I'm a wreck. I haven't slept in days. There's just so much that my mind can handle okay? I'm doing this,now you all can either help me or get out of my way" i said in a serious tone and broke the circle to face Crowley. "I'm in,but in one condition" i said and Crowley looked at me with a confused expression at first and then it hit him. "I want out of the deal. I'll help you cage the Shadows if you break the contract and don't come to claim my soul in ten years" I said with my arms crossed and i noticed the boys and Cas shoot glances at me as soon as i said that. "Deal" Crowley said to my surprise. I felt Dean's hand grabbing mine in relief. "Wow,you really must be desperate to agree to that" i said with a chuckle. "What's the plan?" I asked and Crowley continued to explain what I have to do.


The Shadows have been doing a lot of damage to a lot of cities in the past couple of days,thankfully there weren't many casualties,but then again a lot of injured people where in the hospital,while we prepared for the plan we had going on. It's been two days and I haven't been able to sleep over my thumbing headache and all the crap talk that my dad was giving me. At this point we were on our way to a huge feild in Kansas. When we arrived there, there was nothing in sight except a lot of grass and a couple of trees here and there. We got out of the car and i walked to the center of the feild alone while Sam,Dean,Bobby and Cas waited by the car. "I'm here,come and get me" i shouted into thin air. At first,silence. And then Shadows came crawling into the feild. Black thick shadows started surrounding me,even above me. For a minute, time seemed to slow down and I dropped to my knees drained of energy. Amongst the blackness I saw a face that I couldn't quite decipher as to who it was,until the Shadows scattered around the feild and only one remained. A tall man with black hair and dark eyes,in a black suit. "Who are you?" I asked as i tried to stand up but failed miserably. "My name is Skaar. I'm the Shadow,the most important one at least" he answered,his voice hollow almost metallic sort of. "I don't know if i should consider you as a brave or a really stupid little girl. Given the fact that you've decided you're on our side, I'd say pretty smart" he said with a smirk while going around me. "I'm done trying to please others,trying to save their lives while risking my own. I want to be the villain for once" I said in hopes that he would believe me. He chuckled in disbelief. I was scared of what might happen next but my question was soon answered when Skaar moved his hand and with a flick of his wrist,Dean,Sam,Bobby and Cas were dragged in front of him on their knees unable to move because of the pain he was causing them. I could hear them groan in pain. "Stop,please,I'll do whatever you want just stop!" I pleaded him with tears in my eyes. I thoght to myself Anytime now Crowley. As soon as i thought that Crowley appeared a few feet away from us with Rowena by his side. Rowena had a big book on her hands and started chanting some words in Latin. Skaar turned to look at them as he released the boys,Bobby and Cas from the pain and held his hand to his chest as he felt a pain shooting him.

Rowena continued chanting and Skaar appeared in front of her, grabbed her by the throat and killed her. "No!" I gasped at the sight before me. Crowley disappeared and we were in this alone again. I knew we shouldn't have trusted him. As Skaar appeared before me i lifted my head to look at him in the eyes. He had a devilish grin on his face as he looked down at me and said "I'm going kill everyone you care about,starting with Dean. Maybe that will teach you that you shouldn't have double crossed me". I could feel the anger building inside me and a strange energy that I've never felt before. Shadows came crawling back around us as Skaar ordered them to kill Sam,Bobby and Cas,as he decided he wanted to kill Dean on his own to cause me more pain. The Shadows surrounded Sam,Bobby and Cas trying to suffocate them while Skaar held his hand out in the direction of Dean and lifted him a few feet from the ground. I could feel the energy inside me growing even more,but I couldn't quite put my finger on where it's coming from. "I've waited so long for this day" Skaar said,his voice again hollow and metallic in a way. "I've waited centuries to awaken from my slumber and ruin this world" he continued. With that said,darkness flew out of him as if he were made of it. I heard Dean scream "Sammy!"and my head snapped in their direction. Cas and Bobby were laying on the ground but they were still conscious whereas Sam was laying there looking lifeless. One cannot explain the feeling of losing someone you love. As tears ran down my face I forced myself to stand and I gathered all my strengh and started running towards Skaar. Grasping him around my arms i felt the energy that was built inside me pour out and i let go. I couldn't see anything but a bright white light shot through my chest hitting Skaar and all the Shadows as i heard screams and hisses i knew they were dissolving. I felt myself weaken. He was gone. I couldn't see it but i could feel it. It was over.

Dean's pov'

I was holding Sam's what looked like lifeless body in my arms.There was no Shadows in sight. The only thing left from them was the vessel that Skaar was possessing a few feet away from Bella's body. Cas got up and stood by my side. "He's alive" he said and bent down to my level pressing two fingers on Sam's forehead. As soon as he did that,Sam got up with a shocked expression gasping for air. Bobby helped him stand up. As soon as i saw that he was okay i ran to Bella's side and held her on my arms. Her face was pale and I couldn't figure out if she was alive or not. Cas came and said "She's gone Dean". I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to. "How?" I asked as my voice broke and tears streamed down my face. "The powers that she never used. They were too much for her to handle" he answered with a sad expression on his face which I haven't seen before. He felt hurt. We all did. The woman i fell in love with saved us. But she died in the process.

One year later

Dean's pov'

One whole year since the worst day of my life. She knew the risks she was taking and she was still willing to try and save us. I put down the flowers in my hands on her grave. We gave her a proper hunter goodbye. Burned her body to put her at peace and made a grave just to ease our pain at the thought that she was no longer with us. We hadn't heard from Crowley at all,and we hadn't encountered any demons. He was hiding like a coward because he knew if he ever decided to appear,he wouldn't get out alive. I'll never forget how it all started. I most definitely will never forget how it all ended.

Last chapter of this book. I wanted to finish it because I didn't want it to be too long. Thankyou for reading it i hope you enjoyed,if yes,vote and comment please.

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