Chapter six

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"There are two doors to get in,one is right there,and the other one is in the back.I can't get in until you get rid of two simbols that look like this" Cass said and drew one simbol that looked like a half star on Sam's hand.

"We should split up.Dean,you and Bella go through the back door,i'll take the front door" Sam said and started heading to the front door when i grabbed his arm stopping him from going any further. "Sure, as soon as we make sure that the two of them are dead!" I said pointing at the two Demons that were standing in front of the front door.I looked at Dean and he just nodded,agreeing with me.
We went together and killed the two of them.Then Sam spray painted the simbol that Cass told us to get rid of.Now there was one more to go.

Me and Dean headed for the back door.We saw a Demon and i distracted him,and then Dean stabbed him in the back.Dean spray painted the second simbol.I started heading in when one Demon grabbed me by my throat out of nowhere.I couldn't see Dean but i could tell that one Demon got to him too.In that moment i thought it was all over.The mission failed.

Bella's pov'

I couldn't get loose from the Demon's grip.I heard Dean mutter under his breath "Anytime now Cass!" but Cass was nowhere to be seen.The two Demons that were holding us started heading through a hallway.

I looked at Dean and he looked really disappointed.Then i noticed a hand on the Demon's head and he screamed in pain then he fell on the floor.It was Cass.I smiled feeling safe.Cass did the same thing to the other Demon and then we headed on our way.

We were trying to be as careful as possible while looking through some empty rooms until we heard someone talking from a room at the end of that hallway.I knew it was Kevin's voice so i started running and Dean did the same while Cass disappeared and then reappeared with Sam by his side.

We came to a stop in front of the door and opened it slowly.I guess Crowley wasn't protecting him very good since there was another Demon instead of him.As soon as we got in i threw the silver knife at the Demon and it cought him on his chest,then he fell dead on the floor.Dean and Sam stared at me for a minute,but i just turned to Kevin and unleashed the rope that he was tied with. "Lets get out of here" Sam said and we all got out of the room.We were walking down the same hallway when i said "There are more". "How do you know?" Sam asked. "She's right" Cass interrupted. "You really think Crowley would let a prophet guarded only with five Demons?" As soon as i said that a lot of Demons came in front of us.Sam and Cass started killing them when Dean turned to me saying "Bella,protect Kevin.Get in the car and we'll be there as soon as we're done with these sons of bitches".I turned to walk away but then i stopped.I ran to Dean and kissed him.For a moment it felt like there was nobody else there except me and him.I broke the kiss putting my forhead on his,then he asked "What was that for?". "Incase something happens" I answered. "Nothing is going to happen to me" he reassured me. "I didn't do it cause i think something will happen to you.I did it cause i think that something might happen to me". He looked at me for a moment,then i started running on the other direction that led to the front door,and Kevin did the same.

"How long have you been doing this?" Kevin asked referring to hunting. "Since i was sixteen" i lied,not wanting to make him panic. A Demon got in my way so i stabbed him,he dropped on the floor and we continued running.We got out of that place and headed to the impala.We got in and waited.Five minutes passed and then Cass appeared on the back seat,while Sam and Dean appeared on the front seats.Dean started driving immediately. "You're good,for a hunter in training.Especially since you've started like one week ago" Cass said to me,and then Kevin said shocked  "One week? You said you've been doing this since you were sixteen". "Of course i told you that.I didn't want you to panic" i replied. "Well it worked" Kevin said smiling.I noticed Dean looking at me from the mirror and smiled,then i smiled back.


"Guess what i got" Kevin said as we all got inside the bunker.He got his hand outside of his jacket while holding the tablet. "Kevin,you're amazing" Sam said and Kevin sat on the table. "You can get some rest you know" i said to him as i noticed he already started reading the tablet. "No way,the sooner i find the way to close those gates,the sooner i get to go home" He answered.

I got inside the room that Sam fixed for me to sleep in,and started changing into more comfortable clothes.I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" i said and the door opened revealing Dean.He got in and closed the door. "Hey, is this room good for you?" He asked. "Yeah,it's all good" i said as i folded some clothes cause i couldn't look him in the eyes after what happened. "Look,about that kiss..." he started but i interrupted "I know,i shouldn't have done it". "No that's not what i was going to say" he said. "Then what?" I asked as i turned to look at him.He looked uncomfortable. "I just thought was good.I don't want you to feel bad about it" he said.I looked down at the floor and said "I don't.Look,Dean,this whole messed up life keeps me away from  falling in love.But then i found you.And i must say that your life is pretty messed up too.So,i wanted us to be a mess together" i said smiling,then Dean gave me a smile in return.I looked down again feeling my cheeks to heat up and said "I can understand if you don't.." i got interrupted when Dean pressed his lips against mine.It felt like the first one,because i felt like i was in another world,with just me and him.

Thankyou for reading.Please vote if you liked it.It would mean a lot to me.Btw i did some changes on chapter five since i just remembered that Crowley couldn't get in the bunker. ♡ love you all - Lina

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