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If you love to write, or want to write something I want to say have courage.

When I started to write at twelve, I was shy (still am), reading in a third grade level. I hated reading and was mostly kept to myself because well My school said I had a learning disability. Making me feel like a outcast. I daydream about what ever while everything went over my head.

Until I found a book about something I liked. Moving from a three grade level to five, I was slowly getting better and realized I don't have a learning disability. I just had to try harder. Because of this I fell behind learning the same thing over and over again learning nothing new.

So I thought myself what my teachers weren't. I started writing in hopes to help me improve in my writing, doing my math and other subjects without help. I wanted to prove my school and myself I wasn't what they told me I was. That moment in my life was then I started writing books.

When discovering Wattpad, after reading every book in my school library, I found the jackpot. I took be a couple of weeks to realize that the books on here were people like me.





Outcasts. Or not.

But we are all people discovering ourselves if through reading or writing. We are people who try and try again to make a change in ourselves to make us who we are meant to be. To shape us into something better.

As I call myself a writer I'm nothing more then a person sitting in front of a computer writing to you like I'm talking to you face to face.

I have heard countless times from my readers, followers, friends that they wish to write and if this is you, listen up.

What's stopping you?

I'm a very shy person. I had one person who read my books since I started (6th grade) in my red five star notebook, which I still have by the way. When I started Wattpad back in 2013 a girl on bus that I became friends with encouraged me to write on here if I loved writing so much.

It took me two months to make the choice.

One day I wrote a chapter, held by breath, and published the chapter. I was so scared. After three months I barely had any read. Even when I wrote chapter after chapter, read ever guide book to get more reads. I sat in waiting.

It got to the point where I wanted to stop. That there was going to be no one that will read my stories. Taking every story that I had I left one. Don't Say No. There was something about this story that screamed out 'Don't let go of me.'

So I did. A month passed and I wrote another chapter, published it. With in a minute someone put a comment down saying.

"I thought you weren't going to write anymore. I really like your story."

My heat fell, danced for joy, and lifted. Someone like it. After six months of continuing write I had reads from left to right. As the years gone by I was getting better, new idea, new adventures, meeting new people I was over joyed.  

No matter how many ideas I thought were bad, everyone seem to encourage me more.

So here it is, my advice.

Don't be scared. Write what ever comes to mind, tell a tale that you want to write/read. There is no such thing as a bad idea... well there is but not in writing a story. Its how you put it, how you express it and how much passion you put into it.The more you write the better you get, you just have to take a chance. I mean I thought the same thing, now I don't even care unless I'm writing from the heart.

Anyone can write.

Anyone can tell a tale.

But not one can tell yours but you.

So take the chance because you will never know until you try. And don't give up on a story. Just wait patiently because those that wait are rewards in the end.

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