I want to write but I'm having a hard time coming up with a story. Can you help me? How do you come up with amazing stories?
Well like my dad says I'm a 'natural born writer'. Meaning I can natural come up with something without trying. They just come to me. Some louder than others. I can't help but put up my work out just so I can clear my head and get back to focusing on one story.
Some times when I go to bed , I tell myself a story to put me to sleep or I'll tell myself about the next chapter of a book I'm working on.
Even a daydream can becomes a story at one point.
So my advice is just write. It can be random, it can be about something that happened to you in school and turn it to something else. It's how I kind of started out. With one of my stories (that's come out in March 2016) I wrote another life that I wanted to live. I wanted to live in a fantasy world where I and a few people who I knew had to face a lot of hard ship along with me. This story I wrote followed me to middle school all the way to high school. Inside was my school life but written in a total fantasy world that will never happen. And no the story didn't begin or end in a school.
Sooner or later things just came to me. And I'm sure that they will to for you.
Another thing, there are a lot of stories that are almost the same. You can use their idea, NO COPYRIGHTING, and make it a little different. For example, Don't Say No came from mostly all the vampire, kidnapping stories I found and they all sounded the same so I made mine way different then what everyone else wrote and that made everyone go WTF. And I call that an achievement.
How do you make your books so emotional?
*itching my head as I laugh* um... well. I talk to myself. I know it sounds crazy but I mean.... I don't know. I like to pretend to be the characters, like I'm an actress, and speck out loud and have a conversion to myself. If I can't make myself cry than I'll redo it until I can and I'll know I did it right. Or if I want my readers to laugh or smile I'll think of something and if I laugh or do a devilish grin I know I did good.
I'm one of those crazy writers that really get into their stories and end up in the crazy house. When whispering to people in that hall that I can hear dead people when really it's just in my head. That's how bad it can be.
So my advice to this is be the actor/actress and really get into your characters.
How do you do a good dialogue?
Have a conversation with yourself out loud it makes it easier. Don't think about it just talk to yourself.
Or what a bunch of my friends did in school, we shared a book, and we did a story together kind of like role playing and we would play different characters.
I did this with a friend and she was really into mxm or yaoi. So she made me, not really, write this story about an anime I really like. InuYasha. She had me play Sesshomaru. I knew all the character and how they are so when I played my character she got mad at me because she said it was like facing the real Sesshomaru. And I was playing hard to get.
Sorry if this is making some people uncomfortable but this is like an exercise.
When you have a friend helping you get into a character it's a great exercise. You have no idea how fun and rewarding it is do this. I mean I have seen a lot of dialogue and I hate to say this but they suck. I'm so sorry! But it's true. I think dialogue is so important that without it your story is nothing so find a writing buddy who is willing to do a little play with you. And if you like, with your friend's permission, you can put it on wattpad.

Take My Advice For Free
NezařaditelnéTake may advice where ever you go. No need to ask me anymore because I wrote a book of every question given to me. You got a question message me and I'll write you a chapter to help the next person who ask.