The Sickness

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Before knowing him as a friend, I would often watch him from afar. He was the lead football jock and was dating the head cheerleader. Seeing them make out in the halls; before each class was the worst. I almost puked once, walking to English. After a year of seeing them make out in the halls, I've stopped watching and from then on, I stopped caring about him. Until one day, during English class, he came up to me and asked me "Do you know what our homework is about?" I couldn't answer because I froze and saw his beautiful eyes staring back into mine. His lips moved as soft angels wings, in the moonlight. "The homework is about knowing which part of speech the words are." I said in a soft nervously voice. He looked at the homework still confused, so I said the only thing I could in this situation. "I could help you if you need a tutor." His lips showed a small smile and his eyes looked my way. My heart started beating very fast and I started getting butterfly's in my stomach again. After class, I saw him again but with his girlfriend and my happiness turned into sadness. That whole week was nothing but sadness.
We became really close by the time valentines came around. We tired hooking up in the guys locker room, before his big going away party. But sadly, we got caught and were sent home for 10 days. Within those 10 days, we spend every single moment together. I almost forgot that I was his tutor for English. In the middle of making out, I would pull away and tell him a couple of things he needed to know. I think We got to page 55, before he got upset about me pulling away. We had 10 days off and we only got through three pages of reading. If that doesn't tell you anything about us, then I don't know what would.
After we got back to school, that following Tuesday, there was way more English homework than before. Even I didn't understand half of it. I had to get a tutor to be a tutor to a guy I liked. I wanted him to think I was smart. But the only problem was not knowing anyone in class that would help tutor me. Besides the teacher and she wouldn't help anyone unless it was after school and I couldn't stay after. I had a job and after that I had to tutor my crush. So, I ended up having to ask my parents for help and they told me to just do my best but that would mean, I wouldn't be smart. I needed to be smart. For him.
A week had flew by, and I hadn't talked to him. I couldn't Handel it. So that following Sunday, I called to see if he would like to go out to see a movie, he said yes but there was a catch. He said, he needed some help with his girlfriend, he thinks she's cheating on him. If I was him I would think that to. He told me that he walked in on her with his younger brother and before that he saw another mans boxers under her bed. I agreed to help because I liked him a lot but that doesn't mean I would tell him the right things to do. Normally I would say 'Ask her about it, talk through it and agree on what to do.' But I didn't and I said "If you saw her with another person and saw boxers in her room, you need to break up because you don't need someone that cheats. You are amazing and anyone would die to have someone like you." Even through we did kiss a lot, we never did go farther. We tired but after that we never did again. He knew it was wrong to kiss another girl but to him, his girlfriend was already done with him. But they never official broke up until May that year. Weeks right before my birthday, days before Mother's Day and hours before my big game. I played soccer that month and he bought tickets to every game. I don't know how or why but I liked that he came.
By that time, we had went to see
Almost every movie in theater and tired every fast food restaurant near it. We're not dating but all my friends think we are. Because he would buy me weird things that friends don't normally would buy each other. It wasn't flowers or cards or chocolates. It would be like: a ring, a dress, shoes. Or daily items like: hats, bags, towels, robes, blankets, rubs, cups. He once bought a coffee maker and I started noticing it was enough to fill up a big house. I started asking him why he was buying all these weird house items, but he never said. Until my birthday. He took me out to a very fancy restaurant, then we went to see one of my favorite movies of all time 'The Ring'. Then he took me to his apt. Which had nothing inside but a flat screen tv and a couch with window covers. 2 bedrooms with 2 baths and a laundry room that had a dog house. Then out of no where he got on one knee and asked me, while holding my hand open. "I know we're not officially dating or anything, but would you like to move in with me and be my soon to be wife and mother to my dog?" "Yes I would love to" I said, giving my biggest smile. "but it's a bit to soon to be getting married, we are only 18." He placed an extra key into my hand, closed my hand then kissed my ring finger. "I know but I really like you and want to be with you forever and ever" he said kissing up my arm as he stood up. Once he reached my lips, he held my hand softly, as if I were hurt. He placed his lips onto mine and kissed me softly while running his fingers down my cheek. A million butterfly's hit my stomach and the room got heated. He pulled back, just enough to say a few quick words. "I'll get you a ring, once the words are said. I want you to be filled of happiness. No rejects." His words left tears in my eyes. But not any type of tears, happy tears. Ones you would get when you order pizza from your favorite restaurant. The tears you get, when the pizza comes within seconds and the man gives you extra cheese with a free drink. The happiness when he takes 50% off your order so you just have to pay a half. Thats what I felt. Happiness; but from words from a person I find very dearly to heart. A man I learned to love from school. A man I would soon marry with no rejects. He wipes the tears off my cheek and kissing down my neck. I let out a quiet moan and he begins to bit softy, as he runs his hand up my stomach. "Are we going to do this?" I asked, closing my eyes and entering into a deep daydream that would soon be a darkness of love Making. "If you want to, my love." I nodded and he soon unbuttons my shirt, kissing my lips each button. Once our shirts were off and we were wrapped in the blankets; that were placed in the living room. Removing our pants slowly as the music started playing quietly. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." He said as he moved on top of me. Kissing down my chest, my stomach then my hips. Making his way downtown.
The next morning was amazing. It was filled of love making and roses. Also a homemade breakfast but the roses he bought were also the greatest. We had spread all night and morning making love. I count the night as a teaser because we were only fooling around but got nude in the process. We passed out afterwards and then once we woke up; we got to the point and it was everything I was hoping for, but better. Might've been the day night-day love I've ever had.
Besides, in my last relationship, we never touched each other. We never kissed or anything but we did hold hands. I reject that because our family made us. But he's in a very happy relationship now. He's dating an old friend of mine. Mr. Fletty, I call him. Because he has amazing eyes  and great taste in food. But he's gay. He's not just happy but he also is very into men. To the point he went boy crazy in 10th grade. Mr.Fletty is married with one sons and one daughter. Whose said being married at 19 was a bad idea? He already had kids with his friend and was married to a man. He had a very happy life.
Jack and I, wanted kids but we were to young to deal with the stress of buying everything for one. Ah, Jack. He was everything but school smart. Which I loved but he couldn't help out out kids, if they needed help in school. Which he would need to be, because I work late at night and don't get home until early morning. Early enough to drop the kids off at school then pick up to drop off at home before I have to leave again. Yea, my dream job was a heart surgeon but also, to be the worlds best mom. Which wouldn't happen if I was a doctor. That's why I needed to wait to be a mother. Not just to complete my dreams but to also have enough money to raise a family with my husband.

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