The Sickness {part 3}

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       As we sat down in the checkup room, noel was to a point of fainting. The doctor had to bring him juice and he was allowed to sit on the bed. I held him the whole time so he wouldn't panic. "Okay, I'm going to put this on your stomach. It might be a little cold but I'll be fast." The doctor said as she rubbed cream on my stomach then got a tool. "This is the head and body." She started pointing on the screen, naming body parts that I couldn't see. But I could hear the heart beat, which was to much for Noel. He fainted a couple times. But once he got up the fourth time, his face turned pale and he just stood there, looking at the screen. He was zoned out and there was nothing anyone could do. Besides shaking them or waving a huge pizza in front of his face. Pizza solved all his issues, it was magical.
After we got back home, we had an unwelcome visitor. It was Jack and he was back from the Army. He had asked if we could talk in private, which always ended up in us fooling around. But I wasn't going to allow that to happen this time, I am in love with Noel and nothing can change that. So we went outside to talk in private and jack was very understanding about why I moved on and was starting a family with someone else. He said that he had moved on and had a job at FedEx and got remarried in Paris. Which I didn't know could happen if you were married to another person already. He had showed me papers about our marriage and said that I didn't have to sign them but if I was indeed in love I would. Which made me think. Do I still love Jack? Did I still have feelings for him or did I move on because I had to share feelings that I had for him. My brain was about to blow up and I felt so confused.
    Noel was still sitting on the couch, he looked like he hadn't moved for days; and he didn't count moving if it was for pizza or the remote. Take that back, I've had to give him the remote because it wasn't in his arms length. The thought about having a family never really crossed his mind until it happened. I would understand to; if I hadn't planned on having a family.
After a month, Noel had moved away from the couch for about five minutes. I have started to watch his every move and take notes. I felt like a scientist. The animal had moved away from its home for about five mutes and without any findings of food to hunt down. It went back home to rest again for the next hunt. Which Noel did do and I ended up having to make him food. Which I don't mind but he could've did something besides change the channel and take a nap right after. There was no point in making food for him, if all he does is sleep. He's scared about being a father and maybe messing up the baby's life. But he stopped caring about himself. I needed a plan to get him out and off the couch. I needed him back in our bed because I couldn't fit on the small couch.
I called my best friend from high school, Natalie. She had helped me get with Jack, Jacob and almost with a guy named Fletcher. She did date a couple of my ex's but it was fine because after I found out, we stopped talking. She got upset and always ended up breaking up with them. But there was one ex of mine that she did end up marrying and having kids with. Her kids were named after old crushes. I didn't understand that but I guess it was a way to never forget about them. I called her to help with a plan. Noel
Needed to get off the couch and outside or in the shower. Something that involved him moving off the couch for more than five minutes. "Have you tired asking him about the baby? Or if you guys could go do something he would enjoy?" She said as I sat down next to Noel. "No, but he won't even look at me. He's been like this for a month and won't even eat." "Have you tired buying his favorite pizza and cooking it?"
      After Noel heard pizza, he looked at me and said "I'm sorry, I should've talked about how I felt about the baby. I thought if I didn't think about it, I would forget it was real. But I can't forget about loving you or loving our baby." As he said 'our baby' he put his hand on stomach. That had to be the best highlight of the month. Him just touching my stomach, talking to the baby and then we ending up in the bed; wrapped inside the blankets. It was amazing, but I would have to say that whole week was. We never left the bed, unless it was to shower, to eat or to move to different spots in the house.
"I love you" he said one day I was on top of him. I froze, he had never said those words and hated saying them to someone he liked a lot. He started thrusting, making quiet moans leave my body. "I love you more" I said as I was about to finish as was he. Not everyday
was I told that he loved me, It felt like a special moment. A moment I would never forget.

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