The Sickness {part 5}

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Waking up in the ER again, was fun. But instead of having a baby; we were tore apart by different doors None of the doctors would tell me what happened to him. I've lost count of how many times I've asked. "Noel!" I screamed, trying to get out of my bed. I couldn't get up. I was trapped. There was no moving out of bed for me. Which worried me a whole lot; because I needed to see Noel. If he dies, he'll never see our daughter grow up and become a beautiful woman. He'll never watch her get married or see our grand children. We'll never have a chance to grow old together or travel the world.
"Mr.Bush has been in coma for a week but all his tests are coming out amazing." "Have you gave him an X-ray?" "Not yet, I've only tested his blood levels and his heart rate." "Maybe if you did an X-ray, you might see what's really wrong." "But what if Its to late and-" I hear as the nurses walk by my room. What if what? What was she saying about it being to late to give him an X-ray. I needed to know, I needed to see him. I wanted to speak to him before he leaves. "Good morning, mrs.Bush, would you like some breakfast?" A nurse says as she puts new water into my bag. "I want my husband. I want to see him! Why won't they X-ray him?!" "You need to control you attitude. If you keep yelling like that, you will hurt yourself even more. I'll bring you some food, it might help you feel better." She says, walking out of the room and into the kitchen.
After eating breakfast, I felt way better. My attitude had changed but not for the better. I stopped screaming and yelling but didn't stop the idea of seeing my Noel. I slowly got up from bed and started walking down the hall. Room #214, Noel Bush.
     It was a very slow day after I was sent home. I had been told that, I was no longer welcomed at the ER. That I had been in the way from the start. I wasn't allowed to bring my daughter home nor my husband at the time. I had to recover at home, alone. I thought I had no one but myself and I. Until I get a text from one of my old college buddies. We used to hangout all the time. Even skipped a few classes, just to go out for lunch. We've never dated but had a thing. We were friends with benefits for a while. That is, until he got with his girlfriend and had children; Five in total. I couldn't reply to his text. I was in so much pain that I couldn't even reply.
So I called.
It was fun talking about college and how he used to act gay; just so girls would hangout with him more willing. Soon enough, I had forgotten I was in serious pain. Until he made me laugh. Laughing felt like being kicked in the ribs. He could hear me dying, every time I laughed. So he asked what happened, and we had a very serious, down to heart, talk. It was amazing talking to someone that knew me so well. He knew so much about me that I've always pictured us together. Some how that never happened. So I thought. "Hey, would you like to come over and hangout like old times?" I asked, hoping he'll say yes. "Sure, but just this once. What's the address?" He asked, then I gave it...

Once he showed up, I had to yell for
Him to enter. Cause I was in so much pain, I wasn't able to walk. I had to use a wheelchair to move around and even then, I still was in pain. He sat down next to me, on the couch and placed his hand on my leg. Running his hand down, towards my zipper then my stomach then back down my leg. Each time, his hand moved farther upwards. Once he hand touched my bra, he stopped. "Just checking." He said then started watching the movie I had on. Finding Dora, was one of my favorite movies. To bad we got carried away with touching each other to even watch the film. I told him to be careful, that I was still in some serious pain. He said he'll take it easy and not touch the parts that hurt.
He first started with my shirt. His eyes lit up with excitement and he bit his lip. Unbuttoning my pants took awhile. I had bandaids all over my legs, along with cut marks from the crash. He went very slowly. He first kissed every inch of my body then licked downwards towards my underwear. Kissing the top of them, then kissed my lips. I could feel his privates pushing onto mine. His pants were still on, which created a bigger problem for us. "Can we do it now, please?" I asked with a lusting look in my eyes. "Not yet" he said as he kissed down my body, towards my hips; making small moans exit my body. I couldn't hold anything in anymore and was just about to let go, as he stopped. "You're so warm, it's driving me crazy. Let's do this." He said as he took his shirt off and unzipped his pants. Nothing but the plain bed sheets, were covering our bodies. Along with the heat and love, that was shown as we, each moaned. It felt magical. Felt like a dream that had came true. His thrusts were moving along with my hips. Our hands wrapped in each other's. Our bodies, moving together and our voices becoming darker.
It's sad to say that I had forgotten about Noel. I've talked about Sara and how I almost lost her and her father. Her father was a great man. After we were done and he went to shower. I started thinking about Noel. How his name turns me on. How his words move mountains for me and how he's so sweet. How I made a mistake with my old friend. How... he could've died and never have seen Sara grow into a young lady. Why I was thinking this after having amazing love, I don't know. But I knew if I told him this couldn't happen again, it would upset him. I needed Fletcher. I've wanted him for so long, yet he never wanted me; until now. After years of trying to get with him; he chose now. Why, I don't know but I also didn't care. I do not regret it, but I do regret not knowing who I really loved. Yes, I'm in love with Noel and no one can stop it. But, I've held all these feelings in for so long that I'm confused about love. I don't cheat; but I did and I wait I haven't. Was I going to tell Noel? No. Was I going to tell Fletcher to never come back? No. Was I going to marry Fletcher after Noel dies? No. Noel isn't going to die and even if he does, I would still not marry Fletcher. We know to many of our secrets, that being married would just fight with our heads. I loved being a free woman. He loved having money. I hated going to fancy places, he loved it. We would always fight, if we did get married...

A couple hours later, I was lying on Fletcher's chest; talking about life and how we had changed a lot since college. Minutes had passed and I've had two missed calls from the ER. After I heard the phone go off a third time, I answered. "Hello?" in a sleepy voice. "It's about your husband, ma' am." I paused then sat up. Fletcher opened one of his eyes, half way and saw I was sitting up. He got up and asked if I was good enough to sit like I was. I said, my body still hurts but I'll be fine for a second. Then as he started to kiss my body, I put the phone back to my ear and answered. "What's happened?" "We've done a lot of testing and X-rays and such. He has woken up from coma and had been asking to see you and Sara. He's not in good shape but we've feed him and asked him questions about what happened. He can't remember much at the moment; nor move a lot. So we are asking if you could come by and talk with us about the event." "Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes." I said, giggling as Fletcher started to tickle me. I hung up and we started to kiss. His kisses were very slow but sent huge shock waves through my body. One touch from him and I'm turned on. Same feeling I had with jack but instead of making love, he was always away. I married jack because I thought I was in love but I wasn't. Then I married Noel and am still confused about loving someone.
Once I got up and out of the house, Fletcher drove me to the ER. I asked him to drive me because he was a cop and the lights make everyone move over. He was a powerful man; with a powerful car.

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