C-6; Flashbacks

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Sans POV

Walking is nice for once. We're walking through Waterfall with Undyne. The entire way Undyne has done nothing but complain. Not about the normal things like, oh I don't know... walking? No, she prefers complaining about how SLOW we're going.

"SANS!! EMMA!! FRISK!! WHY ARE YOU GOING SO SLOW???" I chuckled. Frisk sighed heavily. *Undyne, I don't think any of us are in ummm good enough shape to run. Besides, Emma could get hurt!* I hear Emma groan. She seemed to hate being a nuisance. Oh well...gives me an excuse to be lazy some more. I open my mouth to say something when Undyne loses it. Scooping us up she runs full speed to Hotland. So fast in fact that we pass Alphys' house and arrive near Muffet's cave. Welp, this just got a whole lot worse. Now it's hot and we aren't any closer to Alphys'!! My skull is already sweating in anticipation of the walk there.

Meanwhile, Undyne is busy apologizing for over shooting the Lab. "SORRY. I UHHH GOT A BIT EXCITED TO SEE ALPHYS..." Yes, before you ask, they are dating. (A/N: I ship it!!!!!) I laugh quietly at Undyne's discomfort. She rounds on me next, sorrow replaced with a vengeance I hoped I wouldn't have to face. I kept my cool though. I wasn't about to let Undyne know she got to me. Fake smile plastered on my face I fire back, "eager to go see your gillfriend huh undyne?" She blushes hard. "I-I HAVE N-NO IDEA W-W-W-WHAT YOU'RE T-TALKING ABOUT!"

Shamelessly lazy and ends it here....


~See Ya <3

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