C-11; Truth or Dare?

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Emma POV

"So, beauties, whose up for a game of truth or dare?" I silently wonder if this is really a good idea. Honestly? I don't mind. Frisk, on the other hand, appears to be having a small melt down. What do they have to hide? 'If you have any sense you'll leave it alone!' A small voice shouts. I agree, I mean, secrets should be kept until the holder is comfortable with revealing them. Right?

"I'M UP FOR IT IF YOU PUNKS ARE!" Undyne crosses her over muscular arms. The expression she is wearing screams a challenge, one I was willing to take. "Count me in." I say quietly. I'm still a bit off from the whole sight thing. I mean, I fell down here, became blind, was taken in by a bunch of monsters, and now I can see again. I've been handling it well (I think) but really....next chance I get I'm going to break down and cry about it.

Speaking of break downs....Alphys and Frisk have finally agreed to play along. Mettaton nods once before proceeding to explain just how we will be humiliating ourselves today.

"Okay, so when asked you must choose a truth or dare. Normal enough right? Well....if you fail to do the dare or won't do the truth you must....leave the bathroom naked!" His rules brought mumbling from us, but he kept steaming ahead, "So, with that in mind....who wants to go first?" As I figured no one volunteered. It's like asking to be run over by a bulldozer. Just plain awful.

Metta smiled, as though he were hoping to get to choose. But whatever he planned he put it off. Instead he looked at me. Oh no. "So, darling~....truth or dare?"

I stand still, then after much consideration, I decide on, "Dare." Metta considers for a bit before giving me my death sentence. "I dare you.......to go with all of us to Grillbys for a night to get to know each other! Of course not tonight. You must be exhausted what with the tour and all the drama from today."

I let that sink in before I realize what he said, "Okay I'll go to Grillbys. But, Mettaton....how do you know about the tour? I just met you." Alphys reddens slightly but Mettaton just shrugs, "I used Alphys cameras." I look at the both of them in shock, "Cameras?!?"

"GUYS, STAY FOCUSED!!! EMMA, APLHYS HAS CAMERAS AROUND THE PLACE TO WATCH FOR TROUBLE. NOW ASK SOMEONE TRUTH OT DARE!!" Undyne in tapping her foot impatiently. It leaves a small dent in the tile. I lean against the door of three stalls in the small bathroom. I stare at my now glowing green eyes in the middle row of three mirrors in front of three sinks. Metta sits on the right sink, Alphys is standing near Undyne, who is now leaning on the wall near the farthest left sink. Frisk is standing off to the side near the door, as though they were hoping to sneak away undetected.

So, who to choose? Frisk obviously is uncomfortable. I think I'll give them time to get use to things. Metta just had a turn and honestly what am I going to ask Undyne? Hmmmm. Oh, I know! "Alphys?" She jumps at the mention of her name. "Y-Y-Yes?" I think about my question before I blurt it out.

"Where are we?" She cocks her head to the side before rasping what I mean. "W-Well we are i-in the T-True Lab. This is w-where m-most of my e-e-experiments happen. L-Like the a-a-a-amalgamations."

Frisk's eyebrows shoot up at the mention of these creatures. What's going on here? "What are amalgamates?" Frisk speaks up for the first time in what seems like years. *The amalgamates are monsters that Alphys injected Determination into. Alphys, when did you tell everyone about the amalgamates?* Alphys shifts uncomfortably. I can't say I'm thrilled to hear the answer to frisk's question. "W-Well...I figured it was time to tell the families what really happened to their f-friends. I sent a-all the amalgamates home. T-There are none here anymore."

I smile softly. It seemed like this subject was very sore for Alphys. I'm just glad she came to terms with whatever these amalgamations are. A large pounding sound rouses our attention. Undyne is tapping her foot again, only the way she is doing it it's more like stomping.

"CAN WE PLEASE STAY FOCUSED PEOPLE?" We all nod in agreement before continuing. The rest of the time continues with a handful of truths and dares. Undyne ends up licking a toilet bowl at one point. Then it's right back to Mettaton once more.

"So Frisk, darling...truth or dare?"

Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that this is going to go wrong?

Frisk POV

You think for a bit before answering. "Dare." No need to answer any awkward questions. 'Hah! This is Mettaton we are talking about!' You roll your eyes.

Metta smiles sinisterly. "I dare you..." He pretends to consider before dishing out the fatal blow. "to tell us who you like!" Your stomach drops. Why Mettaton, WHY? 'Good luck with that Frisk!' You stand still, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. The danger freezes you to the spot. You can't get away from this. Remembering the consequences for not answering you fall deeper into despair. What do you do?!?!

*I-I,* Emma leans close to your ear and whispers, "It's okay. We are all here to support you. Take as long as you need." Her Patience fills you with Determination. *I think I have a crush on-* the door to the bathroom opens with a creak.

All five of you turn to see someone standing in the doorway. Someone with a blue coat. Someone who looks like a skeleton. Someone named,


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