C-9; Waking (for reals this time)

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Emma POV

Emma: Hello? *Calls out in the dark.*

Chara: Hello, Emma.

*Emma spins around to see Chara standing before her. They are in the field again, golden flowers spreading as far as the eye can see, which isn't that far, as the darkness cuts anything past twenty feet off.*

Emma: What do you want? *Snarls at her.*

Chara: *She smiles sweetly back. Her sweet smile is one laced with other intentions.* I want, sweetie, to help you. You noticed the little, how do you say, visions? That was me boosting your vision. My determination and your.....trait....allows me to give you sight. I have been doing this to help you. But I can't do this forever. You need to let me take control.

Emma: Oh. Heck. No. You need to get out. You are a demon child that needs to leave my life. I get it, you are in need of assistance, which I can gladly give, but this is not a good idea.

Chara: *Rolls her eyes, brushes bangs out of her face, and leans in closer.* You will let me in, or else. I have my ways, partner and-

*A voice interrupts Chara's threat.*

Alphys: I-I-I need to stabilize her. Let's see...oh! Y-Y-You're awake! I'll be right back!

* The voice retreats and shouts something. Two other voices respond and footsteps approach. Chara backs away, realizing Emma was waking up. Emma smile triumphantly and push back the darkness. It moves to reveal-.*

A yellow dinosaur, a skeleton, and a human standing over a bed. A bed that I'm sitting in. The walls are plain, tan, and devoid of anything but large machines hooked up to my bed. It's the usual hospital room, minus the flowers and windows. "H-H-Hey! You're a-a-awake!" It's the same voice from my dream. The dinosaur, whom (is it whom?) I assume is Alphys, was leaning over me, dressed in a rumpled, white lab coat and white shirt. From what I can see she is wearing black pants and, instead of shoes, she has two large feet with three toes each.

"jeez, emma, you gave us a real scare." *Yeah, we were so worried!!* Frisk and Sans pipe up from behind Alphys. I remember what Sans did and shudder. He scared me half to death, but I'm not mad.. Everyone deserves a second chance! I smile at them both. Sans looks relieved and Frisk seems happy but flustered. About what I have no idea. I'll ask them later. For now...

I sit up, startling the small dino next to me, and open my mouth to speak when a door slams somewhere. I hear yelling, something about anime? Alphys' eyes widen and she bustles out of the room, ("Th-Th-That's Undyne! I'll b-be right back!") leaving me with alone with Sans and Frisk.

"So, how are you?" Sans' skull quirks to show he raised an eyebrow. "you can see us?" I nod quickly. I go to say something about Chara when a serious headache and a voice leave me frozen. 'You will not tell them about me. As for the sight, it's a leftover from you're own trait. It will fade eventually.' I blink a few times and cock my head to one side, prompting odd looks from Sans and Frisk.

*Any idea why this is happening?* I shake my head. "eye'm sure you'll figure it out eventually!" We laugh at that, until the door opens to reveal a blushing dino and a happy fish.

"H-H-Hey, there." "YO, PUNK, YOU CAN SEE?" I think for a moment to consider this question, then nod. Undyne is wearing a black tank top and blue jeans with black boots. Her blood red hair is pulled up in a ponytail.

"I think it has something to do with my 'trait' whatever that means." Alphys' eyes widen and she scuttles towards me. She reaches out and carefully pulls out my soul. It shines light blue under the gaze of everyone. "Oh-oh! You h-h-have a soul of p-patience!" I stare in confusion as Alphys plugs something into my soul. I jump in shock and pain. The thing in my soul feels......weird. I can't begin to describe the sensation, (but I will anyways ;'D ) tingling sensations fill my stomach. At the same time my stomach is dropping, as if I'm going down a hill. My hands and feet have fallen asleep from sitting rigid so long.

Alphys pulls the tube out again. I see spots for a second, but I can see. I can SEE!! Still! I'm beaming from ear to ear. Sans, Frisk, and Undyne stand there shocked while Alphys begins pressing buttons on a metal box near my bed. Then she begins to speak rapid fire, stutter long gone.

"I have inserted and taken out a probe from your soul. It felt weird, I know, but I can use the sample I got to help with your vision. When you said your trait allows you sight I figured if I could jump start it I could get it to work for longer periods of time. You will feel a lot more sleepy than normal but otherwise you will be fine. Come back in a bit for a check up, get lots of rest, no bright lights, which means no Mettaton-"

"Did someone call me, darlings~?"

A day late and short. Sorry! >.< I feel really bad! Also, Metta is in the house! I've been reading a lot of books lately so my writing skills will change and improve (hopefully). With that I have to say adew. I will try to update again before Monday to make up for short chapters and cliffhangers!!! SORRY! Anyways, I somehow managed to make it up to 1000 words through A/Ns alone. I must be off now.

Seriously, though. I have school tomorrow.

Really. I have to present a project. Science stuff.

~See Ya!! <3

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