C-15; Grilby's p.2

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Frisk's POV

Well. Okay then. You begin to giggle at the sight of Emma, dress and all, being dragged away by Papyrus. Sweet and innocent Papyrus.

Undyne is laughing her head off. You wouldn't be surprised if she ripped open her tuxedo from the way her shoulders shake. Alphys seems to only just have come back to reality. She's wearing the same dres she wore to her first date with Undyne. You giggle even more at the memory. But you don't get the chance to follow that train of thought, as Mettaton and Sans fill Alphys in on why Emma is suddenly missing. By the end she is burning bright red and beaming.

"OMG, I ship it!" *OMG, I ship it!*

We say it together and immediately begin to squeal afterward. Grilby is silent as usual, but that doesn't mean you don't catch him trying to sneak away. Or the blush on his face that just seems to grow the longer he stays.

In the end it isn't you who corners him, but Sans, one of his closest friends, "so, buddy.....what's up?" He says it so casually he might as well be talking about the weather. "you seem to have taken a liking to a friend of mine...." You suppose friend isn't really the right word. More like...aquaintence. That he just so happened to save the life of. And you suspect he may harbor a crush for. It made your Soul quiver at the thought of him being in love with someone else. As much as you hate to admit, you're glad Grilby has taken to Emma. Sans and Grilby have been friends for years. Sans would never go behind Grilby's back, which means he can't date Emma. Meaning you still have a chance. Maybe.

"I-I. Well....she c-caught me off guard is all. I d-didn't even think before I acted and.....I-I won't let it happen again." Grilby seems to be sweating, which doesn't make sense. You imagine if he was a bit less collected he would be squirming under our gaze. He simple isn't used to being the center of attention.

I kinda feel bad for him. "AWWW, COME ON GRILBY! LOSSEN UP A BIT. IT'S OBVIOUS YOU LIKE HER!" Undyne wraps her arm around Alphys. She has to bend her knees to do so, but the look on her face says it's worth it. "Y-Yes! I c-can n-n-now see it working. Y-You should a-ask her on a date! Or at the v-very least, c-come o our party?" Alphys pushes her glasses farther up her nose. They always seem to b falling.

"Yes. I suppose I must. I gave you my word." He's back to Mr. Serious again. You frown at his closed-off ness but don't push it. Mettaton has other ideas, "Darling, honestly! You are so serious all the time. It's killing us~" Grilby frowns at that, but doesn't argue. He just stands there, fiddling with a towel he pulled out of his back pocket.

"yeah, grilbz. you should relax. maybe I can set the two of you up tonight?" Sans raises his eyebrows(?) at Grilby, making the latter shuffle his feet. A few of the others jeer, and you smile at the thought of Sans setting Grilby up on a date with Emma. That was something you had to see.

"I s-suppose," He's switched into teenager Grilby. The one that allows himself to feel. And to tease, apparently, "But only if you allow me to set you up on a date, my friend. I would find that humerous."

You, Sans, and Grilby chuckle at everyone else's discomfort. Even Greater Dog tucks his ears and whines. By now everyone is standing and heading for the door. Grilby follows, leaving one of his employees in charge. As you walk you hear Grilby muttering to Sans.

"Really, Sans. I wouldn't mind setting you up with-." The ground illuminates dark blue.

"not now grilby. i-i don't really w-want to t-talk about it."

Oh god. His stutter. It's so cute~ 'Stop fawning over him, and just ask him out already!' 'Shut it Chara! I'm busy having fun.'


We don't hear the answer, as someone swings open the door to reveal Emma sitting with her hands covering her face on the couch and Papyrus in the kitchen, cooking up some of his famous spaghetti. You glance at Emma and see that her face is burning red. You plop down beside her and whisper in her ear.

*Grilby is pretty hot, huh?*

She jolts upright, nearly hitting you in the forehead. She probably didn't hear you approach. Her head whips around to face yours and you can't help but giggle at the expression on her face. It reminds you of when you first realized you were falling for Sans.

You shake your head wildly, trying to shake those thoughts from your head. You do not need to be stuck in dreamland right now.

Mettaton appears in front of the TV quite suddenly and exclaims in the loudest voice known to man,

"Let the REAL party begin!!!!"


Yes, it's going to stretch longer. Hopefully into just two more parts. Honestly, I have depleted my creative reservoir. Sorry!

See Ya! <3

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