Hey Brother

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{Sapphire's P.O.V}

Me. Yes! I'm going to be the one to tell him. This is what I've been waiting for, and now, I'm going to finally have the opportunity to tell Ciel what I've kept hidden for so long. Finally, we can have a chance at being happy. If only it weren't for one thing...

"Young master-"

Him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him! Ciel knows what I do, but he doesn't seem at all troubled by it. After what I've witnessed, I still find it hard to bear. The cost of what he's giving up to find out what went wrong is far worse than anything I could think of, and I've been partial to some truly horrific stories concerning people like me. I'm almost too late, but maybe I can change something now. He hasn't given up yet, and he hasn't gotten what he really wants. All his efforts, all that he seems to care about is finding who took his family away. Those people, they deserve death, punishment, but sometimes, the price to pay for safety, for justice, may not be worth the outcome. It's not always fair.

I would know. "What is it, Sebastian?" Ciel replies with the same sense of apathy upon being addressed he's expressed countless times before.

"When exactly do you want to be informed about this woman's identity? Shall we wait until we arrive back home, to ensure no one will overhear us? I believe those in our company here will have no qualms with eavesdropping." He's acting as though I'm not even here.

Ciel looks around and sighs. "Fine. Once we arrive, however, I want her to tell me as soon as she can. Whatever she's hiding, it better be worth the additional effort. I don't want to lose any time on this case. I'm already irritated enough that we have to depart early for trivial reasons." He doesn't want to admit that he's ill.  It's like he thinks it's weak to be sick. He coughs, fittingly, wiping his nose on the ragged sleeve of his poor man's disguise.

"Yes, my Lord. That will function perfectly." He turns to me and I swear he's gloating. He knows that I'm worried. He's such an unbelievably sinister thing. I have to keep calm, especially if I'm going to do this right.

"Shall we go, then?" Ciel continues.

"I'll see to it." Sebastian bows and before long I'm reluctantly forced to follow his lead and we're heading back to the manor, one I know more about than I've let on. It doesn't take long before we arrive.

This is it. This is really happening. I hope it works out. I only have one shot at this. I can't afford any errors. Please...

I'd bow my head to pray if I didn't think it would offend Ciel. I'd even do it just to spite Sebastian, but I can see Ciel's lost hope with those he'd once believed in. I gave up on God at one time too, but now, I don't have many places to turn. Irreligious we may be or not, there's definitely something out there I don't understand, and part of that has to be good, if there's anything to be said about how much I know of what parts are evil.

"Now-" Ciel gets out before I do, and I follow him inside. "We can bypass the introductions to the other servants if we head immediately into my study, so stay close and come this way." He leads me quickly into another room, and Sebastian closes the door behind us. We're sealed in, and entirely alone.

"Very good, my Lord." Sebastian replies. "You've become quite skilled at avoiding social interaction entirely. That's quite a feat for someone as well-liked and admired as you."

"Oh, shut up. You're being even more catty than usual. There's no need to put on an additional show for our guest. She is a performer, after all." He turns to look at me as does Sebastian. I guess that's my cue. "Speaking of which-" he leans forward. "What did you have to say to me, Sapphire, was it? I must say that's a clever stage name. I'm sure it's not your real one. Am I correct in that assumption?"

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