Epilogue: The Marraige of Heaven and Hell

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||Twelve or so years later||

{Victoria's P.O.V.}

Journal Entry 1670

It's been a while since I've written about this, but I was right in what I thought before. Sebastian was scared after what happened to us all those years ago. In all the time I knew him, he never admitted weakness, but he did so once, and then he never spoke of it again, or, not until today. It took time, and it took a lot of coaxing, but eventually, one night, one cold, unexpected night, we did it again, what brought us together, and what happened after that was something I never thought would occur. Though, it proves exactly what I believed all along.

For some unbelievable reason, the Devine interceded in my life, and in the life of one of what I presume to be an immeasurable amount of adversaries. He actually took an interest in what would become of a demon.

Why this happened, I have no idea, but my one prayer, that my brother could be saved, that might be answered now, for good, once and for all, as a different kind of offering seems plausible. Neither Ciel nor I have to die anymore. It all worked out. It's nothing short of a miracle.

We're on the way to a place I've only ever thought of revisiting. I never thought I'd find the need to again, and especially not like this.

I have to leave now. We're almost there.

~ V.P.


"A nephew..."

I look around, in a hospital, again. I never wanted to come back to one of these for any reason. Well, almost any reason. There were two circumstances in which I'd let myself be admitted. The first, naturally, was death. The second I doubted would ever come to fruition, especially now.

"Or a niece."

"Oh, no. It's a boy. I'm ninety percent sure of it."

I exhale. I didn't want him here. I know it's abnormal, to ban the other required factor in a situation like this one from the premises, but it's going to be my weakest point, and I don't want anyone else here.

"I told you not to come."

"Well," he laughs, and I see my bother blush. "I suppose that's how we got into this situation isn't it?"

If I could stand I'd have hit him. Instead, Ciel breaks in, asking something that anyone partial to the truth would believe warranted further explanation.

"How is this even possible?"

"I'm human enough to your sister, aren't I?"

Neither of us nod. "To you?"

Ciel replies. "No. Hell no!" He folds his arms. "Now that everything is fine, why are you staying? You still have to eat don't you?" He looks uncomfortable.

I'm shocked. I'd have thought after everything, especially the way he always put Sebastian over me, that he would want this, or at least, part of it.

"Aren't you going to accuse me of something else?" He knows something.

"You're not going to hurt it, are you?"

"Oh!" I wince, learning forward. "Ciel! You're saying-"

Sebastian swivels around. "Shhh. I'll explain." He turns back to my bother. "You think that simply because I didn't get to enjoy you in the way I wanted, that I still want something from the Phantomhive family as compensation." He grins. "You're right." He turns to walk towards me. "But I won't do what you're accusing me of considering to something I helped create. You know." He turns back to crack one more superior grin. "This is the closest I've come to emulating God. I can't create anything without great cost. This was free." He folds his arms, as I curl tighter into myself. He's never mentioned God like that. I'm surprised. He won't admit it, but he has changed. It's painfully obvious.

"Free?" Ciel huffs. "Victoria, do you think this was-"

I reach out my hand. "Ciel." My eyes tear up. "He promised not to lie."

"That was during our contract! It's over! What's to prove he won't just-"

I lay mine over that of the -for lack of a better term- person's standing next to me. "We've got one more thing to tell you." I can't believe what I'm about to reveal.

"It is technically a contract." He notes, smiling at what none of us can deny as we look at Ciel.

My bother is finally able to consider being hopeful again, as his expression betrays him.

He believes us, at least for the most part. Still, it's more than enough.

I still can't believe what's happened, how all this came to be, or what ever made me feel so hateful before, but as I've gotten older, my brother free of the pact he made, in spite of being no closer to finding out who hurt our family or why they'd do so, I've come to learn and to accept there's some things that are simply out of my control, and now, I've got a chance I'd never ever thought I'd have, and it's because of someone I thought I'd hate forever.

Now, this whole diabolical endeavour will end just as it began, with another agreement, a bond between two parties, ours born in sin, in Hell, and sealed not though some meaningless physical act, but through something divine, holy and inspiring.

I won't say it. I won't ever say it, and neither will Sebastian, but there's only one thing Heaven is known for, and it's not hatred.

All I can think of is how I'm happy where I am now, and how insane it all is. Perhaps, in the end, the whole world is a little mad. Oh well.

That's fine by me.


{{A/N: YAYYY! I hope that was good enough. I had a difficult time sealing this all up, so I pray it made enough sense with the time skip there. I wasn't exactly sure how to imply the contract ended, or to hint at what was to come there, but hell, I made it this far and I wanted to conclude it in a succinct, easy way. Funny story, I was almost done, then my computer screwed up and I was terrified I lost all my work. So, on my phone, I completed it! I'm all finished. Then, after my piano lesson, I'm off to Hawaii! I'll get on to finishing my other stories after my next entrance exam when I get back. I pretty much just have that funny/crack-ish Death Note thing, the Tom Riddle one then the one about the CIA and Levi as far as super long stuff goes. I've got a few more short ones, too, that I can work on in spurts. Oh damn. I'm really getting closer to being finished with all my fan-stuff than I thought!

Thank you all so much for your support!
I've had a wonderful time on here.
I love you all!
I'll be back soon.
~ Britt}}

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