Chapter 8 : A Party, and an Even Bigger Hangover

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(The title tells me this should be fun. Also, thanks for 1.1k reads.)


 While we were at the store we got some stuff to have a party tonight, if you guys are up to it!" Bazz said, really excited because he wanted to have a real good time, and act like he was drunk and kiss Dayne when he wasn't. Everyone exchanged glances, asking one another.

"I have an idea, we should stream and do it!" Sean exclaimed, which wasn't a very bad idea. Everyone was still a bit concerned though... Especially Brad and Shen, but they agreed anyways.

"If anyone is a wimp and won't drink, we got some Pepsi anyways." Elliott had to disclose, in case anything bad happened, which something will. Everyone knows that happens at parties.

The rest of the day seemed to float by, not really anything too much exciting happened. Shen was feeling better and played some Overwatch, and began to draw something to put on the TV at the party, a picture off all of them, putting extra detail on Brda, seeing that he was the one she wanted to be with, and impressing him helped her odds already more than what she had.

-Time Skip to the party-

"Stream is up, hello everyone!" Sean yelled in his Reinhardt voice, as all of the viewers piled in on the stream. Everyone said their 'Hello's and such, so they began to begin. They asked chat what to play, and everyone seemed to be in agreement that they should play Truth Or Dare, that would go horribly....

"Oh god..." Brad said under his breath, Sean hearing it barely and making fun of him.

"What was that little Bradley? Did you say something about Shen?" Brad got mad quickly, and gave Sean the death stare. "You're blushing so hard it looks like how red Bastion's eye is when he's mad!" Sean yelled, making more fun of him. Brad walked off into the kitchen,,opened the pack of beers, and downed a few, everyone getting concerned, even thos heartless people in chat.

-20 Minutes Later-

"Uh, Brad... Are you sure you can handle that much alcohol?" Shen asked, concerned about Brad.

"Yeah I... *hic* I'm totally *hic* f-fine right no-ow, Shenbabe..." Brad muttered out, Shen blushing at what Brad called her, and everyone else started to get drunk, while Shen decided not to, that she would stay sober.

All through the game of truth or dare, every question seemed to be about relationships, before in the middle, Bazz stood up, yelled the words 'I have no regrets!" And leaned down to kiss Dayne. Everyone started clapping and cheering, and chat went wild, not with Zylpai for once. Everything after that seemed to have been going well, until one question came up, to Shen. It was through a donation.

Shen, you told us that Brad liked you, yet you never said how you feel back... So my question since its Truth or Dare right now, is if you like Brad or not.

As soon as she finished reading the donation, things got quiet, everyone waiting for an answer. Shen ducked her head into the sweatshirt she had on, while Brad, unaware of what was happening, was in the bathroom taking a piss.They started to chant her name, over and over, until she decided to go upstairs and hide away for a while.

-1 Hour Later-

"Gotta take another shot for that one, Elliott, boy..." Sean said in his drunken voice to Elliott, who lost another game of 1v1s in Overwatch, which was the new rule now. Everyone in the chat at this point realized how much of a pain tomorrow would be for them. They advised to stop drinking, but they kept going and passed out, Shen eventually coming down to end the stream and get everyone up onto the couches, trashcans at the side for them to throw up in. 

Brad was done feeling the effects of his, and was halfway through his whole vomit period. He sat there, a painful headache attacking him while the remnants of earlier passed back up his throat, and out into the toilet.

"Brad are you ok- SWEET JESUS." Shen said as she walked in to see Brad in the middle of that. He shook his head in pain, which Shen took as a sign of, 'No, I'm not okay and I need help', which was just about right. "You need anything then?" She asked, and Brad just replied with,

"A time machine so I can go back and undo this." Brad said, feeling more vomit coming up, so he bent back over the toilet as Shen walked away, and got in bed, the morning probably going to be so much more painful than anything.

After about an hour and a half, Brad had finished throwing up, so he came back, and saw Shen sleeping, was quiet trying to get in bed, and threw himself down on the bed to sleep.

-The Morning-

They both awoke the sounds of moans and chunks hitting the trashcans. Disgusting... They both thought, getting out of bed to go downstairs. They were both tired and exhausted after yesterday, and today would be the consequences of the party. Shen and Brad sat there and talked most of the time, watching a movie in their room, trying to not have to listen to anymore of the noises downstairs. They grabbed some snacks and stayed up there.

"You know what Brad? This feels like a date, and I like that. Being on a date, just me and you..." Shen trails off, caught in her fantasies, not realizing again what she just said. Brad felt the same way, opamd both of them knew that. They both confessed to liking each other a while back at this point, about a week or so.

They got through a lot of movies they missed and so many more TV series, before the fell asleep, each other in arms, not caring about what was happening outside.

-POV Switch to Sean-

"I've handled beer, but not this much.. Ugh..." I said, exhausted and done with throwing up, his insides feeling dry and full,of pain, I couldn't really do anything. I sat there and talked to Bazz and Elliott while all three of us had our vomit sessions, and Dayne was out for the day, shopping and such.

"This is painful... Probably as painful as-" Elliott got cut off by Bazz saying no to the joke he was about to make of Bazz and Dayne having sex, which Bazz really didn't want to hear at all. At some point they we all drifted off, and the house was very quiet, and was to stay that way until later.




(Wrote this in 15 minutes, sorry if it isn't too good. Again, thanks for over 1k reads, and I'll we you all later. Bye.)

Word Count : 1123

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