Chapter 7 : Mistakes Are Made

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(For those of you who got mad the last update was only a tag thing, here you go. This should satisfy you, hopefully...)

(Edit : 700+ views, nice...)

"We're back!" Brad heard Elliott yell as he walked in the door with some supplies and everything to help Shen, and also provide some food and blankets for everyone in the cabin, seeing as it was real fucking cold. He and the others walked in, set the stuff down and took their shoes off.

"Anything really happen while we were gone?" Sean asked, looking Brad in the eyes.

"Well, there was a small incident, and that happened when Shen decided to stream, and I didn't really know that she was streaming, and..." Brad trailed off, the rest of his words being a mumble.

"What was that, Brad? You're mumbling, we can't really understand." Bazz said, having just walked over after hearing a small bit of the conversation.

"Shen may or may not have said that I told her that I liked her on stream..." Brad finished, and then everyone was silent, until Dayne broke the silence with a high pitched fangirling squeal.

"Brad, you did what?" Elliott asked, still in disbelief that Brad had ever confessed feelings towards anyone, or had feelings for them in the first place. Soon after, hearing the noise coming from downstairs, Shen wandered down the stairs into the room, greeting everyone with a smile, and a still half-asleep 'hello'.

"What were you guys talking about?" Shen asked after saying hello to everyone.

W-well, uh... We were just..." Brad said, in a shaky and cracking voice, before Sean cut him off and said out of nowhere,

"We were talking about how you spilled the beans on Brad confessing his love towards you, on stream." With Brad giving Sean the death stare after he finished that sentence.

"Jesus, Twitter has to be a mess right now..." Bazz began, and as soon as he said that, everyone pulled out their phones and checked the most recent tweets, in which most of them included some form of Zylpai, yet again, but even more than last time, Brad was even getting so many more comments because of this, and so much was happening, so fast.

"Well, you guys made a huge mistake and now the entire community is urging you two on to be together. Nice job." Elliott, being the prick he is, said sarcastically.

"Oh fuck off, you cunt." Brad quickly sneered back at him.

-Time Skip to Night-

"Brad, I'm still sorry about earlier, are you feeling any better?" Shen asked as they got ready to sleep.

"Ehh, could be worse, still could be very much better than I am right now, though." Brad said, rolling his eyes a bit. "Also, the shower is mine first." Brad said, running off to get in there first.

"Damn you, Brad!" Shen yelled, chasing after him until finally getting there, right after he got in and shut the door. "But Bradi~Chan, I thought you would want to shower with me..." Shen said, in the voice Brad hated again, making Brad flustered and say a quick, 'Nope, fuck that', which made Shen laugh a bit.

"There, the shower is open now." Brad said as he walked out after he had finished. Walking back to the room to get in bed and fall asleep, after being exhausted from the worrisome day they just had. When Shen was in there, she felt nice and relaxed after being so stressed and full of pain, the water running over her soothed her to a good amount, and then being interrupted by Brad knocking on the door, saying he had left his shirt in there.

"Just, uh... Open the door and come get it, I'll try and use the shower curtain as cover." Shen suggested, and that's what they did. Brad walked back out, soon after, Shen realized how hot we was without a shirt, and as soon as this thought sprang into her mind, she pushed it off, finishing her shower, and headed back to the room to go back to sleep.

"My bed is still freezing regardless of this cheap blanket!" Brad yelled, frustrated at him still being cold, despite the blanket. "Shen, do you mind if I sleep with you again, just until we find a solution?" Brad asked, and of course, Shen had to say yes. They got into the bed together, under the warm covers, and held onto each other, their breathing just about in sync, until Brad sneezed and made it awkward. "Uh, whoops..." He said right after. Shen laughed a bit, and then said something that made Brad extremely flustered, more than normal.

"You are still so fucking adorable, Brad." She said, laughing a bit, as Brad tried to deny it, coughing and voice cracking every word or so. They continued this talk for a few more minutes before falling asleep in each other's arms. 

So comfortable... Shen thought to herself as she snuggled up against Brad, feeling safer and warmer than she had for the past few nights. She wanted Brad to stay at her side, she wanted him to be there when she needed him, and she wanted to be his girlfriend, but was still nervous to ask, despite them already knowing that they like each other, but was worried about what their fans would say about all of this... She was too tired to care, and fell asleep in Brad's arms.

-Time Skip to Morning-

Brad awoke to some chuckling and the sound of a photo being taken. He sat up, looked over and saw Dayne in the doorway, laughing at the sight of Shen and Brad in the same bed, cuddling with each other. 

"You don't speak of this to anyone, Dayne." Brad said, trying to make sure nobody else had heard or seen this.

"Or what? You really can't do anything to stop me." She said, feeling victorious already, and not realizing Brad could still do one thing to make her mad.

"I'll tell Bazz how you feel then. That would be nice, right? Huh? What do you think then, D-A-Y-N-E?" He sneered as he finished his threat at her.

"I'd be fine with that, because you're a little too late, Bazz and I already had this conversation, and yeah, apparently we both like each other, so, tough luck then, Brad." Dayne shrugged as she walked off, soon after, posting it on Twiiter, and then everything went bonkers. Mistakes had been made, and now they had an even bigger crowd urging them to get together. Great, just fucking,


(Nah, fuck my last author note, making this now and not like what I wanted it to be like, I'm a rebel to myself.)

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