Chapter 4 : Questions, Camping, and Bad Timing

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A/N : Before I start this chapter, why does this have 150+ views? Holy shit guys, thanks, I wasn't expecting anything like that, and neither was that friend I lost the bet with. Well anyways, on with the chapter.

Why is it so fucking cold in here?.. Ugh. I need to ask Brad to turn on the air conditioning...


"Who's there?" Brad asked through the door. "Who do you think, Bradass. My rooms freezing, can you turn on the A/C?" I asked him. "Well, uh... The air conditioning doesn't vent into your room, so, uh... Sleep somewhere else?" He responded. 

Oh you have got to be kidding me...

"Where should I go then? The couch isn't very comfortable and the floor isn't either." I said, sort of in a stern manner. "Well, w-well... I have no idea." Brad said, hopelessly. "Alright, fine. Mover over." I said. "W-wait, Shen, what are you doing?" Brad asked me. "Since I can't sleep anywhere else, I'm sleeping with you in here." I said, explaining it to him. When I realized what I had just done, my face started heating up. "W-well, ok t-then..." Brad stuttered out, along with a goodnight. 

Mmm, nice and soft...

-Time Skip to Dawn-

-POV Switch to 3rd Person-

After sleeping with each other for the night, Shen woke up first, not remembering where she was. After looking around for a second, she remembered where she was, blushing like crazy. She started thinking to herself, Last night... I slept with Brad, the person I think I like... I don't know how to feel about this... She kept those words to herself, so nobody would hear them. She got up and walked downstairs and took a shower, getting ready for the day. When she got through eating a small amount for breakfast, she realized that today was the day they set off on the camping trip, at 9:45. It was 9:15. They fucked up. "BRAD. BRAD, WAKE UP WE NEED TO GO NOW!" Shen yelled all the way upstairs to attempt to wake up the sleeping Bradstion. She walked in and saw him laying there, just having woke up. "What, Shen, why are you freaking out?" Brad asked unaware of what today was. "Camping trip, 9:45, sound familiar?" Shen asked, and Brad shot up, and looked at the time, not realizing he didn't have a shirt on, which Shen saw and ran out of the room. (Author : Jesus Christ why did I include that part...) Brad ran down to the shower, wearing a shirt this time, and hurried to get ready. "Should I join you in the shower, Bradi-Chan~?" Shen used her hentai voice again. "F-fu-fuck off!" Brad yelled, clearly flustered again by Shen doing that voice.

-Time Skip 20 minutes Later-

Where you guys at? (Sean)

Sorry, woke up late and got in a rush to start heading over there, on our way rn. (Brad)

Alright, hurry the fuck up then. We're getting impatient. (Sean)

"They're on the way." Sean told Elliott. "Alright, took 'em long enough." Elliott replied to him, a hint of anger in his voice. "And we see these two men in a bromance, with Elliott making a move that might change their relationship." A certain someone narrated from the bushes with a camera. "Who's there?" Sean called out, and as he did so, Bazza stepped out from the bushes with a piece of paper on his head that said 'Furry below'. "What? Bazz, what are you doing here in Australia?" Elliott asked him. "Well, might need to ask that one twice..." He said as Dayne stepped out into the open as well. "Ah, so you and your girlfriend were in the bushes, 'doing something' then, huh?" Sean replied, feeling proud of himself for that one. "Oh fuck off you cun-" Bazz began, but was cut off by Elliott saying, "You can't say that! You aren't foreign, you're American!" Which Dayne got a good laugh out of. Right after, a car pulled up and out stepped Brad, getting up to them in a hurry. "Sorry, I'm *huff* late.. Overslept.." He managed to say while gasping for air. "Jesus Brad, you need to get back into shape there, mate!" Stylos- I mean, Sean said. "Wait, who are they?" Brad asked, pointing at Bazz and Dayne. "Let's just go inside up and set our stuff down." Elliott said before anyone else could say anything, and so they did. "Hey, Shen, you getting out of the car anytime soon?" Brad yelled back to her. When she didn't respond, Brad jogged over and saw she fell asleep. He took their stuff in, and the others all went out to the woods to get firewood and other supplies they would use later. Meanwhile, Brad tried to carry Shen inside, which he succeeded in doing, just before she woke up. "Where am I ?..." She said groggily. "Oh hey, you woke up." Brad said, Shen sitting up, realizing they had reached the cabin. "Where's everyone else?" She asked, looking around. "Oh, them? They went out to the woods to get supplies for fire and stuff." Brad explained to her. "Alright, and since we're alone, can I ask you something?" Shen asked. "Yeah, sure. What is it, Shen?" Brad asked, without realizing what was about to happen.

-POV Switch to Brad-

"Can I ask you something?" Shen began to ask me. "Yeah, sure. What is it, Shen?" I asked her, not realizing what was about to happen. "Well, about last night..." Oh no... "Well, actually, that was a bad start. Let me try that again. Well, before that happened last night, when I was in my room I realized something." Shen said, as we were both sitting there on the couch. "Yeah?" I asked, starting to catch on to what was happening. "I was confused because something didn't feel right..."

Thump. Thump... Thump. Thump...

"I felt a wave of many different emotions, and felt like something, no, someone was missing..."

Thump. Thump.. Thump. Thump..

"I guess I'm not explaining this well, am I? Well what I, trying to say is..."

Thump, Thump. Thump, Thump.

"Do you..."

Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump,

"You know what? Fuck it." She finished and before I knew it, she kissed me. I wasn't expecting it, and didn't know what to do, and didn't return it. "I.. I-I uh... I'm so sorry..." She began to say. Nice one, Bradass. "I understand if you don't w-" I cut her off by talking. "Shen, I understand what you mean by doing this, and I..." I trailed off and she looked at me, still looking sad and horrified at what she just did, and I also felt stupid for what I did then, I kissed her back...

Right as the others walked through the front door.

"Brad? Shen? What the hell?"

(Aside from this right here at the bottom, I managed to get this chapter to a perfect 1,111 words. Also, that was a bit eventful, wasn't it? The next two chapters will be pretty eventful as well, so be ready....)

Too much sauce

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