Chapter 10 : Goodbye?...

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("..... Is this it?... Is this Goodbye?...")



The rest of the days I was there seemed to go by in a blur, and before I knew it, here I was about to make the trip home, over to Germany, and leaving Brad. I honestly didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay with Brad, but there wasn't a way for that to happen at the moment, so I had my mind on what would happen to our relationship... While thinking about it, one question crossed my mind...

What is Brad finds someone better than me while I'm gone?...

This thought scared me, and I started to sit there and go deeper and deeper into the terrible thoughts that were in my mind, that I couldn't escape from. Brad noticed I was sitting there doing nothing, so he decided to break the silence.

"Hey Shen, what're you doing?" He asked, looking at me, as I just shrugged and looked at the floor. "Let me guess, it's about you leaving back home and also about what will happen to our relationship, right?" Brad asked, seeming to read minds or something. I nodded and still didn't look at him, but in the end I managed to mumble out a few words.

"What if you find someone else..." I said in a low and dark tone, still refusing to look up at him.

"Shen. I trust you, and you trust me. I don't want anyone else getting between the both of us in this. Understand?" Brad said, reassuring me, but still not helping too much, and getting no reaction, he walked over, put his hands on the sides of my face, and brought me up so our eyes met. "Everything will work in the end, okay?" Brad said, a look of caring on his face, making me feel better, and I decided to lean in and kiss him again. He understood and returned it. We sat there in arms of each other for a while before the time had come to head to the airport.

The ride there was quiet and grim, we barely said anything to each other. We sat there, looking ahead to everything else that sped by us, details coming and going. When we finally got there, we walked slowly back up to my gate and went through security. After that mess was done, Brad walked with me a bit further, eventually reaching my gate, still having 10 minutes before we began boarding.

"So, this is it, huh?" Brad asked, looking down, saddened by my departure. "I won't see you again for a while, but we can still talk though, but that won't be the same... I'll miss you Shen, a lot." He concluded his statement with that, looking back up at me and blushing badly.

"Brad, you're such a dork. I'll miss you too, but I'm still already looking forward to seeing you again. It was fun." I said, going back to what he said.


Attention passengers of the leaving flight to Germany, boarding begins in 5 minutes.


With that, we began to say our goodbyes. I started to tear up a bit. Damn it myself, why can't you make this easy and care about him less? You only have been with him for 2 weeks, not your whole lifetime! My head told me one thing, but my gut told me another. Our last 5 minutes were running out, so I decided to do one last thing.


"Brad, I love you." I said, bringing him in for one last kiss, before boarding was called, and I walked off to get on the plane. I saw him wave at me as I walked away, before slinking off, holding himself in his hoodie.


I sat down, preparing for the flight to leave, and looked out the window. The dark sky lit up with the stars, each one of them seeming to glow brighter than usual, and I could almost make out Brad's face in a group of them. That made me laugh a bit. There was a ding, indicating the fastening seat belts sign was on, so I did so, and we took off a few minutes later.

-POV Switch to Brad-

This wasn't easy, feelings aren't easy. I walked back to my car in despair, seeming like I had lost a loved one, never to see them again. Without Shen with me, making jokes and lighting the mood up, things seemed to move slow. I got in my car, started the engine, and drove off, back home, where I flopped onto my bed and let sleep consume me.


*message from Tyrodin*

Hey, Brad. You there? If you are, you okay? You haven't been on in a while, which is concerning due to the amount of time you spend a day playing on here with us. Is it Shen leaving? Is that why you aren't on? Well, message me when you feel up to it.


God damn you, Sean. You and your stupid timing. I'm not getting back on here, or messaging you back. My mind was thinking hateful things towards everyone now, and it really meaning it. I decided I did need some sleep, so I put my PC on 'do not disturb' and let sleep take me, not to be interrupted by Tyrodin this time.



My phone buzzed, I looked down and saw Shen went live on a stream. I clicked on it and began watching. She welcomed everyone who joined chat, and then said she had a surprise for everyone. She brought someone over into the facecam with her.

"This is my boyfriend, Zach!" She said, happily, as my heart broke into many prices, everyone in chat saying 'Congrats!' and things like that, seeming like I didn't exist, that I was fading away from reality, becoming non-existent , making me shut it off and begin to cry. I sat there, contemplating everything, and tried to message the others, who only responded with, 'Who are you? I've never seen you before.' which made me realize nothing here involving me mattered. I tried to scream out, nothing happened. The only thing k could feel here was pain.


So much pain.

I looked to my left and saw a gun. If nothing here mattered, then that means my life doesn't either. I picked it up, aimed it at my head, pulled the trigger back by about 1/5...







The gun went off...


A faded noise began to play in the distance. I realized it was my computer, so I just kept my eyes closed, wanting to go back to sleep, and then it struck me.

My computer was in 'do not disturb' mode... Then that means....


The fire alarm was going off, and the nearest exit was the front door. I shot up to my feet, grabbed my phone, and ran out of my room, to see everything ablaze. I sat there in shock, before running to the door, it got closer, and closer, and....






("... Goodbye.")

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