Chapter 6

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I looked up at the person about to apologize, but the words stopped right in my throat. My mouth went dry and my heart stop, then the anger lit up my eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The words were deadly coming out of my mouth. She seemed at a loss for words.

"You just ruined my new shirt! How could you?" I snorted at that.

"How usual of you. More worried about your shirt than anything else." I clenched my teeth and put my hands under my armpits and squeezed tightly so I wouldn't punch her in the face.

"Shut up you stupid murderer!" My chest tightened, but I kept my face emotionless.

"You don't know anything. I'm not a murderer, and you know it. So, where poor boy Tony? Did he leave you yet? Or are you still clinging to the hope that your marriage will last?" I saw the disbelief on her face.

"Are you kidding me? You are a sick human being. Why are you even out? I thought you were going to be there for over ten years?" I laughed in her face.

"See, if you stayed for the hearing you would know I only had to serve two years." She looked disgusted. 

"That's it! Two years?" She huffed. I then saw Tony walking towards us in fast pace.

"Hi, Tony!" He nodded his head in acknowledgement. I smirked and then looked back at my sister.

"Wow, even poor old Tony barely acknowledges his favorite sister in-law. Wow, you are one great sister." Just then I felt a presence next to me and looked over to see Kaidan and James there.

"Who are these boys? Do they know what a monster you are? Huh?" She must have just looked down from my face, because she stopped talking and her eyes turned icier than before. "Why do you have that? You don't deserve that!" I looked at her.

"We both know I'm the only one who he ever said that to. I got it while in Juvie." She slapped me in the face. I didn't even flinch.

"Don't even start with me, Ade! I've had enough!" I got right in her face.

"You killed him, Beccalyn! You're the reason my little brother is dead! You!" My anger only got worse. I punched her in the face, and she fell to the floor holding her nose.

"I didn't kill him! I tried to save him! I failed! And that is something I will have to live with for the rest of my miserable life! I tried and I failed, but I will never ever say that I killed him, because I didn't! Braiden did! He's the one who plunged the knife through his chest! Not me! I'm the one who went to Juvie trying to save him! The only reason I went to Juvie was because I broke a bunch of laws and hurt people trying to save him! I lost a baby brother too! Not only that, but I lost the rest of my family! I lost you! Mom! Dad! Ali! Max! Everyone! So don't tell me I'm the reason he's dead!" She was crying by the time I was done. I put my emotionless mask back on, but when I turned around James and Kaidan were gone. I looked back at my sister. "I got the tattoo, because those were the last words he ever said, and they were directed towards me." I went to walk away, but stopped and looked back at her. "You know, not being able to save Devon is the worst kind of pain I could ever endure, but I will never say that I killed him. Honestly, I don't think it even matters, but go back to South Carolina and don't come back. I left Vermont, and got stuck here with a foster family, now this is my place. So go away and please, don't come back." With that I walked away, back towards the parking lot. 

When I got there I looked around for James's car, but it wasn't there. Which meant they left me here. It is about a twenty minute drive, so it will take me forever to walk home. I huffed but started walking anyway...


I had been walking for about an hour now, and I was sweating profusely. It was a good thing I used to work on a farm or I think I probably would have died by now. Today was hot, and I honestly didn't understand why they would leave. The only reason I could think of would be that they got freaked out by Ade and I. I mean I don't blame them, I would walk away too, but even I'm not mean enough to leave someone completely stranded.

I know you're probably thinking, 'Why didn't she call a cab or take the bus?'. Well, being in Juvie for two year doesn't really give you a lot of time to make money. So I didn't have any, which meant I had to walk. 

This is why I tried to keep to myself. If I put myself out there I have chance at getting hurt or hurting other people, and even though I can be a class A witch, I don't want to intentionally hurt anyone. 

I was maybe 3/4 of the way there, only a few more miles, and I would be at Eve's house. I would have to tell Nathan about Ade and I's encounter, especially since we had an audience. I can't believe I let her see that much emotion from me, it was insane.

I heard a car pull up beside me and looked into the car to see Helen in the driver's seat and Kaidan in the passenger seat.

"Honey, get in the're going to get heat stroke." I shook my head.

"No thank you, Ma'am. I'm almost there. It would be stupid for me to start walking and not finish." She pulled the car over, and got out.

"Please, I know the boys left you and I am incredibly disappointed in them, but let me drive you the rest of the way, please." I stopped walking and turned to look at Helen.

"Listen, as much as I appreciate the offer, I can not accept it. I will not sit in the car with him. I am perfectly capable of walking and that is exactly what I'm going to continue doing, but thank you for the offer." With that I turned around and continued walking. I was upset and honestly didn't want to see either of those boys again...

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