Chapter 8

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This is going to start out in Kaidan's POV...I figured I'd mix it up a bit...

I looked around the room at everyone's face. Max was crying, James looked ashamed, Amy looked sad, Jesse looked sad, Grandma was crying, Grandpa looked upset, and Harry just just looked calm, like he already knew. Eve and Nathan were standing in the doorway...Eve's mouth was dropped open and Nathan looked over calm.

I felt like a complete jerk. Worse than when I kicked girls out of my house jerk. I looked at James and we just knew what we had to do...

I was the one who knocked on her door. 

"Go away! I honestly don't want to speak to anyone!" I opened the door anyway. She was in a sports bra and shorts punching the punching bag. She was going crazy.

"Beck, look we're sorry." She continued to ignore us while punching and kicking the punching bag.

"I don't need or want to speak with either of you get the hell out of this room." She jumped up and did this cool kick was awesome.

"Beck, come one, just let us talk to you...then we'll leave." She stopped and looked over at us.

"Fine. But make it quick." She walked over to her bed and sat down.

James and I sat at her on the desk, James in the chair.

"Okay, first off, I'm sorry we left you at the mall without a ride home, that was a huge douche move. I guess we just got scared when we heard your sister say you killed someone. It's not so far fetched from what the rumors are at school, so we ran without thinking about anything." 

James wasn't a smooth talker, at least he didn't lie.

Beck's POV

"Okay, first off, I'm sorry we left you at the mall without a ride home, that was a huge douche move. I guess we just got scared when we heard your sister say you killed someone. It's not so far fetched from what the rumors are at school, so we ran without thinking about anything." I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, that makes me feel so much better, thanks." I rolled my eyes again and looked at James. "Is that all, if so you can leave now." He ran his hands through his hair.

"God, you make this so difficult! Okay, no it's not all...Listen I know my sister can be annoying and can pry into other people's lives, but there was no reason for you to speak to her like that, listen I don't really care if you want to be a jerk to everyone else, but back off my sister, she just wanted to be your friend..."  I smiled and laughed.

Kaidan's eyes went wide and James looked confused. "Why are you laughing? I'm being serious here." My laughter died down a bit.

"I know, it's just I can't help it. You looked so nervous to yell at me." He huffed.

"Well, Beck, you're really intimidating! Like honestly how hard is it to smile? You're scary. I also didn't want another black eye...but I still had to tell you to back off of my sister." I smiled again.

"I respect you so much more now." Kaidan rolled his eyes.

"What happened to your uncle?" I looked over at Kaidan and smirked.

"He's in Jail for life, there's no way he can get out." Kaidan looked down at his lap.

"Oh. Listen can we be friends?" I froze and my emotionless face came back on.

"No." He looked up at me.

"Why not?" I rolled my eyes.

"I left my guard down once and look where it got me? I won't do it again." Kaidan got up and walked over to the bed and sat down next to me, James sat on the other side.

"Listen, I know you're scared of getting hurt, we promise to never ever hurt you again! We can be friends! Like totally!" I looked over at James and smiled. I looked at Kaidan and hesitated. I don't trust Kaidan, James has brownie points, because of his sister...

I looked back at James, "Whatever." James jumped on me.

"Hog Pile!!!" Kaidan jumped on top of James. Then Max came running into the room and jumped on top.

"You're really sweaty, dude." I laughed at James. He face was in my neck, and he was probably smelling my B.O.

"Good! Maybe you'll learn not to hog pile someone after they were working out!" He huffed.

"Fine, lesson learned." I heard a camera go off, and sat up, throwing everyone off of me. They all landed on the floor with a huge thud.

"Beck! Come on! I was taking photos!" I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Eve, where's Nathan?" Her smile faded away.

"In the kitchen, honey." I nodded my head in thanks, and walked out the door and down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Nathan sitting at he bar. I walked over to him and sat across from him.

"Ade was here, and we got into a screaming match, which then led to me punching her in the face and her slapping me, but she slapped me first, just sayin'. Oh and she also had her hubby, Tony, with her and he saw me too." He huffed.

"You know what I have to do, right?" I nodded my head and stood up.

"Let me go grab my shoes...I'll be down in a sec." I walked back up stairs and through on a shirt and grabbed my shoes.

"Where are you going?" I looked over to Kaidan.

"I have to go with Nathan for a bit, I'll be back in less than a week." Kaidan rolled his eyes.

"Beck, that's ridiculous! Why can't you just stay here?" I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

I walked away from them without even answering...

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