Chapter 7

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I walked through the door to see Eve hovering in front of it. I looked at her and continued walking. "Beck! Oh my god! Are you okay? Are you hurt? How did you get home? Why did they leave you?" I rolled my eyes, but ignored her. I honestly wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone.

When I got to my room I went into the bathroom and got into the shower, clothes and all. I sat down and let the water run over my head and down my body, soaking into my clothes. 

I suddenly laughed. Not a humorous laugh, but a hysterical laugh. I was so stupid to think people would ever actually care enough to at least bring me home. I huffed. I felt so stupid! I started to trust them, but at least they showed me their true colors before I really did trust them. I mean, I still don't understand why they left me there. It's not like I was getting too physical. She deserved to be punched...maybe they believed what she said...

"Beck, honey. Are you in here?" I could hear Eve over the water.

"I'm in the shower!" I yelled back.

"Okay, well when you get out can you come down for dinner?" I yelled a yes, and she left.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I saw Eve with her head in the fridge. "Hey," I murmured. She pulled her head out and looked at me with a smile.

"Hey, honey. Why don't you go sit in the dining room. I just have to get the ice tea and then we can start dinner." I nodded my head and walked into the dining room to see the table almost full. I stopped and went to turn back, but Helen's voice stopped me.

"Dear, please stay..." I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Fine, whatever." I sat down in one of the remaining chairs, which happened to be right next to the end where I assume Eve will sit and Kaiden. I looked down at what I would be eating and almost smiled. 

Key word ALMOST.

Eve walked in with a huge container of ice tea. I stood up to help her, and she smiled at me, While I just kept my face expressionless.

"Thank you." I just nodded at Eve. I sat back down and looked at the three people I didn't know.

"Who are you?" The lady laughed.

"Well, I'm Amy, Eve's sister. This is my husband, Jesse. And this is my daughter Max." I nodded my head.

"So you're James's mom?" She nodded her head.

"So, who are you?" I shrugged.

"No one important." She awkwardly chuckled.

"Her name is Beck, she's the girl I was telling you about, mom." I looked at James and rolled my eyes.

"Oh? The girl from school?" I smirked.

"Yeah, her." I served myself some Taco bake, and started eating. I just continued shoving my face full of food, hoping people wouldn't talk to me.

"So, Beck. What do you like to do?" I rolled my eyes.

"Use my punching bag." She looked a little startled, but smiled nonetheless. 

"Oh, you have a punching bag?" I nodded my head and shrugged.

"Yeah, I was told, it's better to hit one of those rather than someone's face." I looked back down at my plate. I still had a lot of food. So, I continued eating. Then I looked at Max.

"When's your birthday?" She smiled.

"Omg! I am so so sooooooo, excited for it! It's on the third! Which means it's a week away!" I nodded my head.

"That's cool, I guess." She then looked around the table.

"So, Beck! Like I am so totally happy to have a cousin! We can be like best friends! When's your birthday?" I shook my head. 

"I don't have a birthday." Her eyes got wide.

"James! We should totally give her a new birthday! Then we can like throw this huge like ginormous party." I shook my head.

"Let's not. Eve, can you call Nathan? I have to tell him about today at the mall before someone else does and I go back." She had this look on her face, but she nodded.

"Um, sure." She got up and walked into the living room.

"Back to where?" I looked at Max and rolled my eyes.

"I don't think it's really any of your business, Max." She looked offended.

"She meant back to Juvie, Max." I looked over at Kaidan, and put on a harsh glare.

"That's none of her business, and certainly not yours either! So why don't you just shut up and don't go telling people about my life when you yourself don't even know anything." He clenched his jaw.

"You killed someone, Beck!" I stood up, knocking my chair over in the process.

"Omg! Is it true? Are you a murderer?" I rolled my eyes.

"I thought I told you to stay out of my business?" I looked around the table and saw faces of horror, and then there was Harry. He was just looking down at his plate. I shook my head and chuckled, because it all clicked.

"That's why you left me stranded at the think I killed my little brother?" Kaidan looked up at me.

"That's what your sister said." Without warning I punched him in the face.

"Oh my god! Kaidan!" Helen ran around the table over to her grandson.

"Just because you hear something doesn't mean it's true." Kaidan spit out blood and stood up.

"If you didn't kill him then explain why you're so aggressive, why you don't like talking to people, why you're so mean." I huffed and shoved my hands into my arm pits.

"Fine! You want to know! I tell you! I used to be one of the sweetest people, I wanted to be a doctor, I wanted to take care of other people, help them. I used to be so against violence, I always thought you can get something across without hurting someone.  I lived on a farm in Benson, and I was happy. Of course it was hard work, but I had a family who loved me. I was just plain happy." I let a soft small fall onto my face, but it quickly vanished. "Then my birthday came. My parents had to go down to Connecticut, because my Aunt was diagnosed with cancer, so they weren't there. My other siblings were at friends houses, because we decided to postpone my birthday. My little brother Devon and I were the only ones home. We were watching the movie Cars for the hundredth time, because it was his favorite movie. I had to go to the bathroom, so I got up and left. Then I heard screaming." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"I ran downstairs as fast as I could. Devon was on the floor surrounded by blood. My uncle standing over him. I grabbed the iron poker used for the woodstove and hit him over the head with it. Over and over again. He finally fell over after the tenth strike, and I freaked. I grabbed Devon and I ran to the truck. I put him in the passenger side and sped off to the hospital." I opened my eyes and stared at the wall.

"On the way there, I ran so many red lights. I was the cause of three cars crashing, I hit a man on a crosswalk, but I couldn't seem to care at that time. By the time I got to the hospital, I had four cop cars chasing me down. I ignored them and jumped out with Devon. I didn't even get to run into the emergency room when he tugged on my shirt and said, 'To the moon and back'. That was our thing. It was our I love you." I felt the tears slide down my face.

"After that, I got arrested and charged for so many offenses, my family disowned me and wanted me to rot in jail, the worst part is, the man I hit, he was put into a coma, but his family visited me quite often. I still talk to them. Yet, my family doesn't even care." I looked around at all the faces.

"And the reason why I'm so brittle and mean? Why should I care? When I care, I get hurt. When I'm nice, I get hurt. When I'm not careful I hurt other people. So why not just not care? It's easier for me and for you...that day, I lost everything that ever mattered to me. When I went into Juvie, I was still so so naive, but you learn fast. If you don't, well, it's not good." With that I turned around and walked back up to my room with the pan of Taco bake.

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