Chapter Twenty Four

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I know, I know, I'm terrible. I had two jobs for a while, I was working 7 days a week! Then my boyfriend and I moved in together and cooking and cleaning for another human being while also working is exhausting! But that's no excuse! I'm back with another chapter and I swear you will never have to wait that long for another one ever again! I am so sorry! I love you all!


Tomorrow. I can't believe how fast this week has went. Everybody is here for the rehearsal dinner, which I am not all that excited about. I want to sleep as much as possible before tomorrow, but it means that I get to see Alex for a few hours. I haven't got to kiss him in five days! Five days! That's crazy. 

As everyone is arriving to the venue, I have my arms wrapped around Alex's waist. 

"Can you believe the wedding is tomorrow?" he says, mirroring my thoughts.

"I know, it's crazy."

"Not getting cold feet are you?" he says, jokingly.

"Absolutely not." I look into those deep brown eyes and it reaffirms what I had just said. There's no way I could get cold feet when I get to marry this man. 

Klare and Sam walk up to us. "Are you two ready for dinner?" Klare says.

"I'm starving!" I tell them. "I'm more excited for dessert though."

"Of course you are," Klare says with a laugh.

"I think that's the baby talking," Sam says.

"That may be true, but even if it is, it will make me so happy when I have chocolate in front of me." Everyone laughs at that.

"Let's go sit down, babe," Alex says, while leading us to our table.


Alex's POV

"Good evening everybody," I say, looking at everybody. "We want to say thank you for being here tonight. Brooke and I are so insanely happy that we have you all in our lives. We are truly blessed that you all could come here for our wedding. We're both so excited." I look down at Brooke, who is smiling at me. Then I look down at her stomach and gt another wave of happiness. Tomorrow we will be married and we are going to have a baby.

"Dinner will be served in just a few moments, thank you again for being here."

I sit back down and kiss my beautiful bride-to-be. 

"I love you," she whispers, with her forehead against mine.

"I love you, too." I kiss her beautiful lips again.

I can't wait until tomorrow. Then I can actually kiss her goodnight again. One more day.


Brooke's POV

I wake up in a panic. "I'm late!" I scream, hopping out of bed.

"Klare, wake up we're late!"

"Brooke," she says in a sleepy voice, "we aren't late. It's 8 in the morning. Calm down we have plenty of time."

I take a deep breath. She's right. She still needs to get up though, there's so much to do before the wedding at 3. 

"You're right," I say, slyly. "Do we have any ice cream in the house?"

"Brooke Michael," she says, getting up. "You are not eating ice cream today!"

I laugh at how fast she got up. "It got you up, didn't it?"

"You butt!" She says, laughing with me.

We walk to the kitchen and she turns on the stove. "How do omelettes sound?" she asks.

"Perfect," I excitedly reply. Everything sounds perfect today. I go back to my room to pick up my phone, but I don't see it anywhere.

"Klare, where's my phone?" I yell from my room. I wanted to call Alex.

"Janelle and I decided that we were going to take it for the day. We knew you would call Alex if you had it."

Ugh, my best friends suck! I walk back to the kitchen, glaring at Klare and she hands me my plate. I eat my food then start to wash up the dishes.

"What are you doing?" Janelle asks, walking into the kitchen.

"Well, we still have quite a bit of time and I feel crazy. I'm calming myself down."

Janelle looks at me like I'm crazy, but cleaning really calms me down.

After cleaning the kitchen Klare says we can go to the venue to get ready.



Sorry to leave it here, but it was getting a little long and I want a whole chapter dedicated to just the wedding, please don't hate me!!! I figured I would try to start updating every Monday since I usually have Sundays and Mondays off from work! That gives me all of Sunday to write, if I get writers block again, which has happened quite a few times. I really missed writing though, so I'm hoping it doesn't happen again. I love you guys! Thanks for sticking by me. And thank you for all of the reads! I never expected this. You guys make it all worth it!

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