08: Careless Words

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This is for the quiet ones who speak the loudest, the ones who defy and rebel and question and challenge. And continue to inspire us.



"Where are we going?"

"To a strìp club," Ace replied, his eyes on the road.

I whipped around, chucking. "Yeah, nice try. I would've almost believed you if it wasn't just three in the afternoon."

"So? Where I'm taking you, the place is open and serving 24/7."

"Seriously though Ace, where are we going?"

"You'll see," he said, taking another turn down a familiar road. I prayed that we weren't heading where I thought we were. But a few minutes later, the shopping mall came into view and I felt a knot form in my stomach. This was the mall where I worked.

"A mall?" I pretended to scoff in surprise. "Seriously? How un-badboy-ish of you."

"Even bad boys gotta eat, Wilson. I can't just survive on pūssy juice alone."

This time I really did scoff in surprise. I had no words.

He smirked victoriously and started to park his car in an empty space in the parking lot. "And besides," he said, looking into the rear view mirror, "I know the guys at the Taco Bell here and they're always eager to give me discounts."

"Cheapskate," I mumbled, shaking my head as I watched him cut the engine.

"Ain't cheap, just thinking smart," he said, stepping out of the car. I got out too, hoping that none of my co-workers see me. They're not in on the whole I'm-keeping-my-part-time-job-a-secret-from-my-school thing. We went inside and I started to fiddle with my side bangs trying to get them to cover up as much of my face as possible.

There were some girls standing near a jewelry store who were chatting and they paused their conversation and started to look my way. I quickly looked down, wondering if I'd seen them before in my school. They didn't look like they were in high school anymore though. Glancing up, I found that I wasn't the object of their attention. Their eyes were glued to Ace who was looking ahead, with his hands in his pockets, oblivious to the staring. I sighed in relief and walked a little straighter.

We climbed onto the escalator that went up to the third floor, the food court, and I was relieved once again that we weren't getting off on the first floor where Zara was.

I caught Ace looking at me from the corner of my eye and met his stare. His smirk widened and his eyes slid down to my chest. I looked away, flattered at the attention, and pretended to scratch my neck. I slowly let my hand slide down to my neckline before tugging onto the collar of my shirt. I moved away the shirt just a little so that the strap of my lace bra came into view for only a moment and then I moved my hand away, humming. I was unable to keep the smile off of my face. I didn't look at Ace again and stepped off of the escalator.

I had only taken two steps when his hand closed down on my arm and he pulled me to the side with him. He was standing dangerously close to me, towering over me as he pushed me back into the wall. His hand was still on my arm and the other one was now on my chin, tilting my face up to him.

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