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        "Oh my God, is that Nala Reynolds?"

        Stiles Stilinski had too much adderall, that was obvious to Scott Mccall as he saw his best friend jitter and bounce all over the place. It was their first day back at school, and Scott was determined to make this year his year. The only problem with that is that he and his best friend Stiles were absolute losers.

        Nala Reynolds. Stiles had been drooling over that girl since the third grade. Popular, beautiful, smart, Nala had the whole package. Completely out of Stiles' league. That is, until she suddenly left Beacon Hills before the 7th grade.

        "Dude, she's still completely out of your league, give it up." Scott rolled his eyes at his friend, "and besides, don't you wanna see what happened to me in the woods last night?"

        Meanwhile, Nala looked around her, self conscious about all the eyes locked on her. She looked down at the ground, gulping nervously.

        "Nala!" A preppy voice sounded, a voice that Nala immediately recognised.

        "Hey, Lydia." Nala sighed, looking at her best friend of 16 years.

        "Come on, we gotta go meet Jackson." Lydia grabbed Nala's arm, the brown-haired girl rolling her eyes at the mention of Jackson Whittemore's name. Nala had hated the self-righteous boy ever since elementary school, and unfortunately, Lydia didn't share Nala's distaste.

        As Lydia dragged Nala towards the school doors, Nala faintly heard a boy say her name, however, Lydia yanked her arm as soon as Nala turned to see who it was.

        "Did you hear about the body they found in the woods last night? Apparently it was cut right in half, the police still haven't found the other half."


        Nala jumped up from her seat as soon as the bell rang to signal the end of class, ignoring her teacher's protests of  'the bell doesn't dissmiss you, I do'.

        She spotted Lydia down the hall, talking to someone that she couldn't see near a locker.

        "—you are my new best friend" Nala heard Lydia speak, and she quickly jogged up to Lydia and who she could now see was a cute girl leaning against a locker.

        Nala opened her mouth to say something along the lines of  'what am I, chopped liver?' before Jackass showed up, immediately pressing his lips to Lydia's.

        Nala looked towards the new girl sympathetically, extending her arm, "Nala Reynolds. Don't worry, they do this a lot."

        "Allison Argent." The girl giggled, shaking Nala's hand.

        "Lydia. Lydia!" Nala clicked her fingers next to the strawberry blonde's ear, getting her attention.

        Lydia rolled her eyes at her best friend, turning back to Allison, "So, this weekend, there's a party."

        "A party?" Allison repeated, cocking her head to one side.

        "Yeah this Friday, you should come. You too, Nala." Jackson finally acknowledged the shorter girl, nodding his head at her.

        "Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking." Nala chuckled under her breath at Allison's blatant lie, glancing across the hallway to see a boy with shaggy hair, a boy with a buzzcut, and a girl that kept glancing at her group, specifically Allison.

        The boy with the buzzcut stared right back at her, Nala being unable to recognise him as she forgot to put in her contacts that morning. She squinted, trying to get a better look, but apparently the boy thought she was trying to intimidate him, as he immediately turned around, accidentally bumping into the locker.

        "Nala!" Lydia yelled, making Nala turn her attention back to the strawberry blonde, "are you coming on Friday?"

        "No thanks." Nala said, glancing back towards buzzcut boy, "I just got back, I think a party would be a bit overwhelming, and besides, I'd rather stay away from Jackass for as long as possible." and with that, Nala flipped her hair over her shoulder and strutted down the hallway, sending a glance towards buzzcut boy and his friend.


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