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        "Derek! What the hell? First Allison, now you're letting everyone know that I know you? What's your problem?"

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        "Derek! What the hell? First Allison, now you're letting everyone know that I know you? What's your problem?"

Nala stood on the steps of the burned down Hale house, hands resting on her hips, waiting for Derek to come out and face her.

"I don't see the big issue, besides, we never agreed that nobody could know that we know each other."

Nala whipped around to see the leather-clad man standing behind her, as if he had been there the whole time. Rolling her eyes, Nala stepped closer, a menacing look in her eyes, "Well now we agree, nobody can know about this. Not Scott, and especially not Stiles."

"Whatever you say, N, I'm sorry."

"So how do you know Derek Hale?" Was the first thing that Nala was bombarded with as she stepped into school the next day.

After seeing the comment that had been posted on her instagram, Stiles thought it wad best to just confront her about it, get the story straight.

He regretted it as soon as he asked.

"Derek Hale? Who's Derek Hale?" Nala cocked her head, seemingly innocently, but if looks could kill, Stiles would've dropped dead.

"You know what? Forget I ever asked, I thought I saw him comment on your instagram but, nevermind!" Stiles turned to walk away as fast as possible, but was stopped by a hand grabbing his shoulder.

"You were creeping on my instagram? Stalker much?" Nala laughed, and it seemed like she was trying to play it off, make him forget what he asked in the first place.

        Stiles began stuttering as soon as she finished her sentence, "Wha- N- I- I didn-"

        "–Stiles, I'm kidding." Nala interrupted, laughing at the red-cheeked boy, shaking her head, "I gotta go, see ya around!"

        And with that, Nala skipped off, leaving Stiles staring at her helplessly.

        "But Derek!"

        Nala's home life was complicated to say the least. The Reynolds family massacre was almost as famous as the Hale fire.

It was 03:48am on November 28, 1996, when an unknown person broke into Allegra and Anthony Reynolds' house. Their first victims were Jane and Martin Reynolds, Anthony's parents. Next, Santo and Gianna Esposito, Allegra's parents. Their throats were slashed and they were left there to die.

        Allegra woke up to check on her baby girl, Nala, who was sleeping in the crib in the corner of the room, when she felt a presence in the house.

        Evil. That was the only way she could describe it. There was evil in her house, and Allegra would do anything to protect her daughter.

         She shook Anthony awake, whispering as quietly as possible, "There's someone in the house."

        Anthony immediately jolted up, putting a protective arm across his wife's torso and focusing, trying to hear the intruder's footsteps.

        Nothing. He couldn't hear a thing. "It's fine, theres no one here, go back to sleep." He whispered, and although Allegra still felt that evil presence, she decided to trust her husband, and lay back down, closing her eyes.

        Not even 10 minutes later, Anthony and Allegra Reynolds were dead, in the same way that their parents had been killed.

        The only sound in the house was 6 month old Nala's wails, as if she knew what had happened to her parents.

        The Reynolds' neighbour at the time, Mr Geoffries, was the one to find their bodies the next day. The police were called, but the case was never solved. No fingerprints, no sign of forced entry, nothing,

        And poor Nala was sent to live with her aunt Sofia.

        Nala loved her aunt, she really did. Sofia raised Nala like her own, even whilst grieving for her sister, her grandparents, and her brother-in-law when she was only 20 years old. But Nala always wished that she knew her parents. She didn't even remember them, she couldn't even walk or talk or go to the bathroom by herself when they died. All she knew was what her aunt told her.

        Sofia thought a change of scenery would be good for both herself and Nala, so they packed up their things and moved to New York 2 weeks before Nala's 12th birthday.

        In some ways, Nala was happy that they moved. In other ways, Nala resented the move. She never made any true friends in New York, and she only got to go and see Lydia over summer.

        So back to Beacon Hills they went.

        Tangling themselves back in the supernatural web that Sofia desperately didn't want Nala to be a part of.

         If only Sofia knew just how much Nala was already involved.


a/n: helo i'm back!!

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