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        NALA ANTICIPATED THAT SCOTT WOULD REACT POORLY TO THE SITUATION. She didn't, however, anticipate him completely ignoring her at school the next day.

        She had tried catching up with him in the halls, in class, she even tried swooping in to talk to him on his way to the bathroom. But every single time, he brushed her off.

         She was completely exasperated, and tried one last time to talk to him after school as he approached his bike.

        Of course, something always had to happen to prevent Nala from doing what she needed to do.

        She heard a familiar voice coming from the carpark, and squinted her eyes in order to confirm her suspicions.

        Derek. Of course.

        Standing in front of the werewolf was a stressed out Stiles, and Nala ran up to the two, noticing that Derek was very injured.

        Before Nala could reach them, Scott swooped in, and Nala quickly hid from Stiles' gaze, not wanting him to know her connection to Derek, even though Scott could have easily told him.

She was worried about Derek, of course she was, but Scott had it all under control, right?

Stiles, of course, still had his suspicions about the connection between Nala and Derek, but he chose to give Nala the benefit of the doubt.

That was, until Derek, bleeding out in the passenger seat of the car, told Stiles to call Nala, because "She'll know what to do."

To say that Stiles was confused would be the understatement of the century.

"Stiles?" Nala's voice answered the phone.

"Look, I have no idea what's going on, but Derek's in my car, bleeding all over my seats, and he told me to call you."

"Give Derek the phone." Nala spoke bluntly, sounding extremely unimpressed.

"Where the hell are you?" She said as soon as she heard the phone being passed over.

"We're on the side of the road right now, but that's not important. I got shot. It's bad. Some kind of wolfsbane, but I don't know what." Derek informed the girl, and Nala felt her face pale.

"Where are you going then? I'll get there as soon as I can."

Nala arrived at the Vet to find two extremely pale figures. Stiles looked like he was about to vomit, and Derek looked like he could drop dead at any moment.

"Let me see." Nala stalked up to Derek, the man holding out his wounded arm for her to examine.

"Oh thank god, now I won't have to be the one to cut off his arm." Nala was suddenly hyperaware of Stiles' presence in the room, feeling his scrutinising gaze on her as she touched the gash that the bullet had left in Derek's arm, her fingers tracing up the blue veins that were beginning to lead to his heart.

"Nordic Blue Monkshood," Nala nodded, "We need the bullet."

"Scott's already on it, but is there a plan B if he doesn't get it in time?" Derek asked, already knowing the answer.

"Besides cutting off your arm? Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"Does this mean we just... wait?" Stiles asked, and Nala slouched her shoulders before nodding.

Nala stared at the mechanical saw, weighing her options if they really did have to turn to plan B.

Cut off Derek's arm, or use the full extent of her powers?


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