13 | PHONE

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        "OF COURSE SHE'S NOT HERE, STILES." Nala gave her boyfriend a look, partially rolling her eyes at him.

        "Well I just wanted to make sure. Besides, Jackson was there too, and he's here." Stiles reasoned, Nala still staring at him with the same deadpan look.

        "We're talking about Lydia, right? Besides, she texted me and said she wasn't gonna be here, and by the sounds of it, she's probably pretty drugged up." Nala pulled her phone out showing Stiles the text from Lydia.

        Lyds: Heeeeeeeey b, not @ school today bc of the whole attack thing, mom got me these pills so if you come and visit I'll probably be like...... drunk or smth. Love you x

        "Well do you want to?" Nala cocked her head at Stiles' question, "Want to go visit her, I mean."

        "Of course, do you wanna come? I don't know if I wanna be in a room with a drugged Lydia alone."

        "Just a warning, she had a lot of those pills so she's a bit loopy." Ms. Martin warned the pair as they opened the door to Lydia's room.

        "Honey, Nala and Stiles are here to see you." Ms. Martin called to the strawberry blonde who was laying on her bed in nothing but a silk nightgown, to which Nala covered her boyfriend's eyes until she sat up so that she was covered.

        "Nala! You're here! What the hell is a Stiles?" Lydia drawled, making Nala chuckle under her breath.

        "Stiles? My boyfriend? Remember?" Nala placed a hand on Lydia's thigh as she sat down on the side of the bed, inviting Stiles to do the same.

        "No." Lydia furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head slightly, making Stiles pull an offended face.

        "How are you feeling, Lyd?" Nala asked, changing the subject.

        "I feel great." She slurred, dropping her head into Nala's lap, who then began to stroke Lydia's matted hair, "You're so drunk." Nala chuckled, softly smiling down at her best friend.

        Suddenly, Lydia's text tone sounded from the bedside table, and Nala nodded to Stiles, silently telling him to check it.

        "It's a text. Lydia, do you want to open it?" Stiles asked the girl, but she had already fallen fast asleep on top of Nala.

        "Just open it." Nala told him, and his eyes widened as he saw what was on the screen.

        "You're gonna want to see this."

        The video that was on Lydia's phone prompted Nala and Stiles to immediately try and contact both Scott and Derek. Unfortunately for them, Derek only seemed to have a phone when it was convenient for him, and Scott had gone completely MIA, so the two of them sat in Stiles' room, watching the video on a continuous loop.

        "That's definitely the Alpha." Nala sighed, her eyes glossing over from having watched the video for what felt like the thousandth time.

        Stiles looked at her with a deadpan look, picking up his phone to try call Scott again.

        "He's not gonna answer, Stiles, can we please just give up and tell him tomorrow?" Nala pulled the phone from Stiles' hands, throwing it down onto the bed, "Besides, I could think of a much better use of our time."

        Before her words registered in Stiles' mind, Nala's lips were already on his, the small girl moving to straddle his lap. Her hands rested against his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in.

        "Stiles?" The two jumped apart at the sound of a voice, Nala flinging her body onto the bed, lying on her side as casually as possible as Sheriff Stilinski eyed the two teenagers.

        "Kinda in the middle of something, dad." Stiles snapped, the Sheriff furrowing his eyebrows at his son.

        "I can see that," He glanced towards Nala, who avoided eye contact at all costs, "I just wanted to know about the student teacher conference tonight. Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this thing?"

        "Well, how do you define good news?" Stiles said, making Nala quietly groan into Stiles' flannel shirt that she had buried her face into.

        "I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues"

         "You might wanna rethink that definition, Mr Stilinski." Nala piped up, chuckling at the look Stiles gave her.

        "Oh, come on Stiles." Mr Stilinski groaned, about to walk away, before popping his head back in, "Oh, and Stiles? Nala?"

        "Yes, Dad?"

        "Use protection."

        Sofia Esposito was proud of her niece. She was a smart girl, she always applied herself in class, she got straight A's, and her teachers never seemed to have anything negative to say about her. So, as she sat across from Mr. Harris, she was shocked to hear that Nala had already missed several assignment due dates, as well as missing multiple classes, and on top of that, he claimed that Nala was never paying attention in class, that she was always talking to her friends (That is, when she bothered to show up).

        Sofia left her parent-teacher interview absolutely fuming, phone in hand, ready to call Nala and give her a piece of her mind. However, before her finger could press down on Nala's contact, she heard a loud scream from the parking lot.

        Rushing over to the source of the scream, Sofia had almost reached whatever it was that had terrified both the parents and the students alike, before she saw a man run in front of a car that was backing up.

"Watch out!" She yelled, moving to pull the man out of the way, but she was a second to late, the car pushing into the man, causing him to collapse onto the ground.

Sofia crouched down, offering him a small, "Are you alright?" to which he responded with a curt nod, attempting to stand up again with the assistance of Sofia.

A gunshot rang through the air, making Sofia wince, covering her ears as the loud noise reverberated through the atmosphere.

Quietly stepping towards the source of the gunshot, Sofia furrowed her eyes at the sight of a mountain lion that had been shot by none other than Christopher Argent, whom was now glaring at Sofia, his hand still on his gun.


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