Oh Darling, I Wish You Were Here

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Chapter 3: Oh Darling, I Wish You Were Here
(Aichi's POV)

Ever since Ratie and Emi booked me a flight back to Japan this summer vacation, I started to fix some of my things. I'm thankful for them to give me some time to rest, and I have to see my friends too.

And maybe to have a chance to see Kourin too if ever? I sigh, no there may not be a way to bring back her memories, but if I get to see her once again, and maybe talk to her for a while is enough for me, just to see how she is doing.

Hours before the flight, I was on my way to the airport with Ratie, we were talking about things while we were on the taxi.

"So Aichi-kun, are you excited to go back?" She asked and I nodded with a smile.

"Yes, it has been a while since I came home anyway. So I'm excited." I replied to Ratie.

When we reached the airport, we waited for my flight, and when it was time to go, I bid goodbye to Ratie, but before I left she stopped me and said.

"Please, if you find Kourin, never let her go, okay? This might be the one chance you've been waiting for." Ratie gave me a smile.

"Thank you Ratie, and I will." I said and went to the escalator.

"Aichi-kun! I believe in you! You can find her again!"

I waved at Ratie and she did the same. And then, I proceeded to go to the plane.
I woke with a start when I realized that the radio told us that we are about to land at Japan. I sighed in relief and looked at the day sky, it was a mesmerizing view of Tokyo just below the plane. And then right after, I realized that we already landed at the airport.

I stood up and went to the arrival area and took my bag. I walked around and saw that Emi was waiting for me, I approached her.

"Welcome home, Aichi!" She greeted, and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Yes. I'm back, Emi!" I grinned at her.

We got to a taxi where we proceeded to go back to our home. It has been a while and I missed it.

I was greeted by my mom and she embraced me tightly with her eyes tearing up. "Welcome home, Aichi!"

It was quite awkward but I embraced mom back, "I'm back mom, I missed you." I said and let go and I smiled.

"Come on! I made you your favorite foods, Aichi!" She said and I nodded. Oh how I missed my mom's cooking.

We went to the dining area and we ate our foods, we had conversations about my studies in America, how I was doing... But then my mom started to talk about something different.

"Aichi, do you have a girlfriend now?" Mom asked me, and I was surprised. I put my spoon down on the plate and sadly smiled at her and I shook my head.

"I have no one, Mom..." I said and thought of Kourin once again. "But I swear I'll find her."

Emi was looking at me with a hopeful expression and I smiled back at her. Then suddenly Emi sighed and shoved me a spoonful of rice.

"Now you're getting dramatic again, Aichi!" Emi complained and I chuckled through the spoon. I took the spoon out and drank water. "No wonder why you keep on crying whenever I call you!"

"Eh... P-please forgive me..." I smiled awkwardly.

"Hmph!" Emi continued to eat her food while I only grinned. What a cute little sister she is...

We continued to eat, right after that, I went to the living room where I watched the TV, I noticed that there's a news about Ultra Rare.

Ultra Rare will have a concert? Whoa... I can't wait for that. I wonder how they're doing now? Suiko, Rekka, and Kourin... I hope that they're doing well.

"Hello! We are Ultra Rare!" I hear the TV, I looked at it and saw them. They are doing a live broadcast.

"Hi~ I'm Rekka!" Rekka was winking at the audience which made them scream in excitement.

"I'm Suiko!" Suiko smiled and waved.

"And I'm Kourin!" Kourin also smiled and waved... I could only smile at them as they continued doing a commentary.

While I was watching I found myself staring at Kourin as she was being interviewed, her smile... her laugh... why does it make me feel all fluttered?

Kourin... I wish... you were the one to smile for me... I want to see you again... If... If there's a way... I will say the words that I should've said before we parted ways. If only you could reach the words that I will say to you...

That I love you, and I wish you were here.

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