My Home

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Chapter 9: My Home
(Kourin's POV)

I've finally the person I was waiting for, and it was Aichi Sendou.

Months ago, when Takuto told me he brought me back some of my memories, and my memories of the people I used to know. But he told me he didn't actually brought all of my memories because it would be too much for me to handle.

So, I asked myself "why? I do not know why he did that, what is the reason?"

But then when Takuto gave me my memories, the first thing to pop on my mind was a certain blue-haired boy. His name is Aichi Sendou, a Vanguard fighter, he's a friendly person.

And, it seems so weird that when I think about him and try to know about him, it feels like my heart would flutter around.


Suiko told me that I was in love with him before. What?! I can't believe! What if Suiko's just messing with me? I know her, a mysterious girl, I don't even know what runs in her mind. But hey, she's like my sister.

Same as Rekka, she also told me that we were once the proclaimed couple of Vanguard... What? Aichi and I?

But.. but I..

That was when several flashbacks ran through my mind. I remembered some of the people I used to know.

MisakiNaokiShingo… and…


There were scenes that I saw, all those… former memories… we spent..


On a certain room there were five people inside that afternoon, two people playing Vanguard as they argued on who's stronger on the two. And at the middle of them was a certain blunette trying to stop them.

On the other side of the table, two girls laughing at the silliness of the boys.

It truly was a moment to remember, something to never forget.

-End of Flashback-

I… I remember… it was from before…

I knew that it was the place I called my home.

I was at my room and looking at my supposed to be old notebook. And I flipped through the old pages and saw lyrics and on top of it was written as 'My Home'

I don't know why I wrote this… But this seems familiar, is this connected to my memories? It does seem so.
-A Few Months Later-

It was at our concert, I sang the song 'My Home' and while I was performing I saw a certain blunette standing at the distance and looking like he was dumb-founded.

That's Aichi, right?

Yes, that's him. I know him. That's the person I kept on looking for.

When our hands touched I knew it was him, it was warm. It was… nostalgic, or bittersweet I should say.

Our concert ended and we went to the backstage, I saw Takuto waiting for us.

"Kourin, I saw Aichi Sendou earlier, do you want me to call him?" Takuto asked and I was surprised.

"T-Takuto… y-you don't have to do that." I replied at him. Yes, I want to see him actually. I'm just not honest with myself.

"Too bad, I already called him." Takuto smiled at me mischievously, the same way Rekka and Suiko gave me.

"Ugh, why are you guys like that…" I said annoyed yet I feel happy.

"I'm going to him, I'll call you guys once I talked to him." Takuto said and left.

"Are you ready to face your knight in shining armor, Kourin?" Rekka asked teasingly and I blushed.

"W-what are you saying?! And what knight?!" I'm so confused.

"Because he saved you, he helped you, and he even called you his princess!" Rekka replied, "Right, Suiko?"

"Yes he really did!" Suiko teamed up with Rekka.

I couldn't help but to blush, "S-shut up!"

Then, Takuto called us and we went to him, I saw him.

I saw Aichi standing there, and my emotions set arose and my feet moved on its own. I ran up to Aichi and embraced him as I cried.

That was when I realized, he really is Aichi, the boy that I have been waiting for a long time.

I knew to myself that I love him, and I knew that Aichi loves me too. The sole reason on why Rekka and Suiko called us a couple, because I remembered that I love him.

And I still do.

We savored our moment alone together as we embraced each other.

But it didn't last that long, as I was called by Rekka that we should go. And before I have to leave, Aichi and I kissed and I bid him a goodbye.

"We'll see each other again, right?" Aichi whispered at me and I nodded, how I wanted to just stay with him, I wanted Aichi to kiss me again. But I have to go, but I am sure to meet him again.

Because Aichi, I am sure for you to bring me back to the place where I belong.

And it is my home.

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