My Friends

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Hey I just want to talk about the thing I deem the most important in my life. My friends.
A lot of my friends have mental illnesses. A lot of them have them diagnosed but others do not. When I first made friends with them they seemed so happy. As I've got to know them I've realised that they aren't as happy as they seem. Even with everything going on in their lives they are the greatest people ever. At least in my opinion they are. They look out for each other because they understand each other or try their best to if they don't. They are so kind. They try their best to make people smile and laugh. They laugh a lot and they're loud. They are not what I think of when I think of depressed people. I just wish I could do more for them. See I'm not very good at helping people but I try to be there and listen to everything they have to say. Sadly that's the most I can do. I'm not sure where this going so I'm going to end it here. I love you idiots.

This is Hayley signing out! XX
Dated 31/01/17

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