The first letter

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I was originally writing everything as actually letters. This is the first thing I wrote.

Dear friends
I know these letters may seem a bit weird but I thought it would be nice to look through them in the future. Hopefully that's in a few decades at least (These were originally going to kept secret until something happened to me or one of my friends). I haven't actually got much to say now apart from one thing. I wish I could help you all more with well everything but I don't really know how to. Hopefully you are all better by the time you read this. Oh one last thing! I want you all to know just how much I love you all. You are the best friends I could of ever asked for. xxx

This is Hayley signing out!
Dated 10/09/16

Is it odd how I feel like I've grown up loads since I wrote this when it was only a few months ago?
Anyway this is Hayley signing out from 18/02/17

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