Questions pt 5

7 1 0

49) innie

50) Right

51) I'm hella scared of spiders. The little shits freak me out

52) My favourite meals are meat and potato pie and corned beef mash. My favourite foods are ice cream and bread. I will eat just bread.

53) Definitely pizza. I love proper Italian pizza. I also love American candy and lucky charms.

54) Somewhere in between the two. Not very messy and theres an order to the mess.

55) 'if you die I'll drag your ass back up from hell', 'I'm disappointed' and 'fight me'

56) 'fuck', 'shit', 'rude', 'hetalia' and 'dude'

57) Way to long

58) I switch between having the biggest ego you can imagine and being a self loathing piece of shit

59) Depends on my mood

60) All the time

61) Constantly

62) Hell no

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