Nobody Knows What I'm Going Through

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Don't say goodbye to the world
Until you've loved somebody
Don't say goodbye to the world
Until you've lived like kings and queens
I'll be the first, the last thing that you see
But don't say goodbye to me
Just listen to your heart
Not the voices in your head
Forget how it'd made you feel
But don't forget what was said
Tears are words than we can touch
When words only say so much
Look out? What you've got
Then you'll always have enough

As the sun sent her last warm rays to the earth, and a lukewarm summer evening slowly sloped towards the end, the cloudless sky shone in the most beautiful blue he could offer. After five long and prolonged rainy days, had the god of weather finally turned out to be gracious and allowed the United Kingdom to take a longer rest. Meanwhile, the birds flew cheerfully, still chirping through the area and gave the evening a harmonious ending. But what was disturbed at the height of thirty-nine thousand feet occasionally by a passing airplane and thus caused with a feeling of wanderlust. Someone enjoyed this peacefulness while others wanted to be just at this moment somewhere abroad where one was normally planning his vacation.

At this late hour, the five guys around Take That were still in their own studio and tried to make a joint and new album. This attempt, especially today proved to be a difficult one. Until yesterday, everything went quite harmoniously and in perfect mood. Nothing had pointed out that pitch-black clouds could slowly appear on the horizon, which would give some tension and friction below the band members. Clear. With such a process, there were also certain differences of opinion preprogrammed, which could ultimately lead to an unsightly dispute. But in this case it was somehow different. There was more an extremely tense and cold silence among each other, than any chant who should now act as the lead-singer. This tension was hard to bear, and the icy silence could be cut through with a dull knife.

None of the friends really knew how it could get so much tension at all and so they had to deal with their difficulties with it. Thereby three different groups had formed, each sitting in a corner. While Howard had joined Jason and Mark with Robbie, Gary was sitting alone. With a blank look, the latter stared at the floor and was sunk in his thoughts. Already the whole day he had been remarkably quiet and had not only confused the others with this behavior, but also inadvertently pulled down. Frequently, his friends had tried to make him talk, but Gary kept himself covered all the time. When he spoke, then only the most necessary, and at least produced some ideas which, from his point of view, could only come to fruition for the new album. But now the four had given up.  As soon as Gary switched to stubbornness, he could no longer be dissuaded. It was then completely useless. In addition, he had managed to make all of them too worthless extras. What in God's name was only going with him? They had never seen him before. This frightening silence with which he gave himself today didn't mean anything good. With the hope that the next day could be better and he finally told them what was wrong with him, the friends slowly went home. After Mark and Robbie were the first, Howard and Jason did the same for them after half an hour. When the last two were gone, only a single Gary remained.

As soon as the door had fallen into the lock a second time, Gary remained in his usual position for an additional hour, until he once inhaled deeply. With a glance through the empty space, he only now realized that his friends had already left, leaving him alone. Then the question arose, how late it was, and so he glanced at his watch. It was shortly before eleven. So it was already dark outside, where he was about to see his own home. In spite of this late hour and the almost finished day, he felt no great desire to go home. Why should he? His wife Dawn and their children were not there anyway. There he could stay well and possibly stay here. No one would notice it. Or perhaps even so. Depending on, whether he was asleep. In the end, he decided to go home. For possible explanations, he was guilty of his friends, but if he could survive them, he would have a different question. No. He preferred to go home, where only a terrible yawning and immense emptiness took him.

Don't Say Goodbye To Me... - Take That FF   (in English)Where stories live. Discover now