My Pain Walks Down A One Way Street

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The new day in Robbie's life should begin as usual, but on this one morning everything was different. It all started with the fact that he was not woken up by a purely inhuman alarm, but rather by something that came extremely close to a wet rag. Mind a rough rag. Okay. With all his many dogs he was woken up in this unconventional way from time to time, but most of the time it remained that they just licked him awake or even if something whined in his ear. But when suddenly the blanket was pulled away and another dog with a loud bark wanted to grab his attention, Robbie grumbled and demanded from his four-legged friends that they should let him sleep at this early morning hour in peace and try their naughty game with Gary.

"Guys. Please. ..Go and play with Gary, but please let me sleep at this inhuman hour."

However, since both dogs by no means thought to let him continue to listen to the mattress, the barking was therefore a bit louder and even tried to push the lying on the belly lying Robbie from the bed. Of course, things that did not go down well with him and threatened them, if the two did not even give up peace, would be chained somewhere for two whole days. At this threat, the bigger dog suddenly grabbed his wrist and tried hard to pull him out of his comfort.

"Ouch. ...Say, are you crazy now? What should that? Do you know what time it is? It's only ...nine thirty?" Robbie was more than outraged by this assault on him and wanted to know from his two dogs if they were even able to read a clock.

However, looking at his alarm clock, which showed him a current time of 9:30 am, the singer instantly silenced and first tried to understand that he had indeed slept a little longer than usual. As in slow motion, he sat groaning and yawned then first extensively. While Robbie sat for a moment and like a drink of water on the edge of the bed, he was repeatedly barked by the slightly larger dog. Where the smaller, however, literally bite on the trouser leg of his pajamas and thus wanted to move him to the final getting up. What this also succeeded. After Robbie had gone on his own two legs, but he was still not released by his four-legged friend. Because of the more than amusing behavior, Robbie began to believe that something was wrong and seriously asked the two of them what was going on. In response, the barking of one dog became louder and louder and the constant tugging on his trouser leg, did not even want to adjust in the least. Shortly thereafter, a frightening thought occurred to him what this could be about.


That would also explain a lot about why his two dogs were so eager to get him out of bed and look for his human friend.

Feared by the fear that Gary might have harmed himself and was in an intermediate or even extraterrestrial state, Robbie instantly snapped and hurried to his side. Within a few seconds he found himself in Gary's assigned room, but he could not locate him in any corner. But since all the dogs were standing in front of the bathroom door and they were barking or sniffing in a polyphonic way, his attention was immediately directed to the room behind it. Even as he let out fears of death, he took a few steps towards the door and tried to open it. Locked.

Crap! - Not that too.

As if stung by the tarantula, he ran back to his bedroom and got the corresponding spare key, which he had deposited as a precautionary and temporary in his bedside table. He never thought of anything like that, but for Ayda, who had advised Robbie to keep all the spare keys near him, he had responded to this more than well-intentioned proposal. What was the name of it? ...Better safe than sorry.

With the spare key in his hand, he quickly hurried back and immediately started unlocking the locked bathroom door. As soon as he was granted access, Robbie practically flew through the bathroom until he spotted the lifeless figure around Gary in the bathtub below the waterline.

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