Chapter 16

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We were all quiet during the drive. Harry kept his eyes towards the window as he bit the inside of his cheek. We pulled up to my building and got out. When we got inside the apartment, Harry slammed the door, causing me to jump and turn around.

"What the hell, Harry?" I nearly shouted. He didn't look at me but I could see he was angry. His brows were creased and his lips pressed together. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked up from the floor.

"Why did you do that?" he said, flatly. I put my bag on the kitchen counter and put my coat on the back of the couch.

"Do what?"

"Talk about me as if I wasn't in the room?" I searched his face as I tried to figure out what he was referring to. Then I remembered my conversation with Paul and Louis.

"Harry, I-".

"Everyone always does that. Everyone always talks about me as if I'm not there, as if I can't handle anything, as if I can't fucking speak for myself!"

"Harry, Paul was just-".

"I thought you wouldn't do shit like that. I thought you would treat me like an adult, like a normal person. But you did what they do. You acted like them!"

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as he harassed me. 

"Don't you dare compare me to them, Harry! I have done nothing wrong. It wasn't my fault that Paul came to talk to me but he only did because he cares about you, because I care about you!"

"Well it makes me feel like a child!"

"Maybe you should stop acting like one! You need to realize that we're not against you, Harry, we're trying to help you." He ran his fingers through his hair and screwed his eyes shut.

"If you honestly think that I was doing it to hurt you then there's no point of you being here. You can leave," I said softly but keeping my voice stern. He looked at me and dropped his hands to his sides. 

"Stevie, I-". I held up my hand.

"I know it makes you angry but don't take it out on me. I don't deserve it. If you want to talk then talk."

He nodded slowly and lowered his eyes. I let my frustration fade away and I relaxed. I was still irritated from Harry's accusations but it was pointless to continue arguing. It wasn't helpful to either of us. He raised his head and met my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Stevie. I shouldn't have said that," he nearly whispered.

"No you shouldn't have," I said as I began taking things out of my bag."

"Do you want me to go?" 

I stopped what I was doing and looking at him. He had come to the counter and was leaning against it, his hands in his pockets again. I let out a sigh. His eyes were apologetic and I found myself struggling to say mad at him.

"Yes but only because I have to get up early for work."

"I'll go with you," he said with a smile.

"No you won't," I smiled, "you have things to do. Just because it wasn't my business, doesn't mean I wasn't listening". He rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Come on, Stevie, please?" he stuck his lip out and batted his eye lashes. I laughed and shook my head.

"That isn't going to work, Harry."

Then I watched as his smile fell into a slight smirk and I felt his hand grab my waist. His thumb pressed into my hip as he pulled me closer to him. My heart started to race when I felt his breath on my neck as he leaned down to kiss the spot just below my ear. Shivers went up my back as his lips grazed my jaw line while his hands began to wonder. My body was covered in goosebumps and I found it hard to catch my breath.

"Will this work?"


I felt my pulse quicken as I felt her hands run up my chest in response. Her hands came up over my shoulders, sliding my jacket off and onto the ground. She looked up at me. He eyes were deep while her teeth tugged at her bottom lip. I grazed my thumb across her cheek before bringing my lips to hers.

The kiss started off slow then turned fervent as I wrapped my arms around her body. Her hands came up to my neck and into my hair where she buried her fingers and tugged gently on my curls. A small moan came from my chest and I lifted her from the ground. She let out a squeal but then hooked her legs around my back. Her kisses became heavy, taking my lip in between her teeth.

"Stevie...", I got out in between our lips.

 She pulled away. Her lips were swollen and red laced her cheeks. Her eyes searched mine and then she nodded, brushing the hair from her face. I smiled and walked her bedroom with her still in my arms.

I sat her on the bed and turned on the small lamp that sat on the bedside table. I knelt down in front of her, positioning myself between her legs. She grabbed the bottom hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head. She traced her fingers along my inked skin of my chest before I took her hand and kissed her palm. She smiled at the small gesture before taking her shirt over her head, revealing the skin that I've been craving to touch. I took my thumb and traced the smooth skin of her collar bone, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. Her breathing quickened and I smiled.

She pulled me to her and slowly pressed her lips to mine as my hands traveled across her skin.

"Harry," she whispered as she moved her mouth to my neck, nipping at the skin. I got up and took her, leaning her back onto the bed. I hovered over her for a moment as I took her in. Her dark hair was spread among the blanket and her eyes were feverish. She was beautiful and I wanted her.

:Are you sure?" She nodded slowly.

Electricity ran through my body and I let the smell of roses fill my senses.

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