Chapter 24

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I whispered goodbye to Harry before I left for work. He replied with a mumble that I couldn't decipher and I chuckled, softly. I left a note on the counter, letting him know about food and he could text me if he needed anything. I closed the door quietly and set off for another day at work.

The morning sun was bright as it shined through the window of the taxi. I sipped my coffee while flipping through my planner, going through what all I needed to do for the day. When I got to the office, it was buzzing, like always, and I greeted those who wished my a good morning.

When I reached my desk, there were several folders and a note that reminded me of the assignment meeting that was taking place in ten minutes. Quickly, I say down my bag and gathered a few things and made my way to the board room. I had been waiting for a few minutes when the rest of the team began filing in. Some greeted me as they sat down. We began discussing various assignments and ideas about the next issue. Will, our chief photographer, congratulated me on making it in last months issue.

Heat grew in my cheeks as he spoke, "You're doing great, Stevie, which is why I'm going to assign you the piece with Bob Dylan." I felt my jaw drop. That was going to be one of the biggest pieces in the next issue and he was giving me the honor of having it. I secretly pinched the inside of my palm to be sure that I wasn't dreaming. I received a couple congratulatory pats on the shoulder from those sitting beside me.

"I've spoken to Gemma and-".

"Wait, what?" We all turned to look at the girl at the end of the table. Her hair was short and sporadic and her make-up made her look like she hadn't slept in weeks. I didn't know the whole 'looking like you're hungover' look was a thing.

She scoffed, "Why the hell does she get that piece? She hasn't even been here long enough and the only reason she even got the job was because of her boy-band boyfriend."

What? My eyes grew wide and it felt as if my stomach had dropped to the floor.


"Oh, you don't know? Looks like Mr. Styles has some explaining to do. He called here begging for-".

"Shut the fuck up, Lex," Will demanded.

"What? I just saying," she laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"Stevie, don't listen to her. She's just jealous," Will tried to assure me but I had stopped listening. My face grew hot and my eyes stung with tears. I felt like I was going to vomit on the table in front of me. I couldn't even begin to process what I had been told.

"I have to go," I said, standing up too quickly than I had expected. I gathered my things with shaking hands and did everything I could to not run out of the room, ignoring the pleads from Will. I made my way to Gemma's office. If anyone was going to tell me the truth, it was her.

When I came to her office, I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I rested my forehead on her door before I turned and left. I went back to my desk and left a message on Gemma's phone, giving her some bullshit about how I didn't feel well, before gathering up my things from my desk and leaving. As I rode in the backseat of the cab, I thought carefully about how I was going to confront Harry.


I came out of the bathroom as I tied my bandana around my damp hair when I found Stevie standing in the hallway. She looked like she had been crying and I my heart instantly quickened.

"What are you doing back so early? I thought you said-".

"Harry, I have to ask you something," she said without looking up from the floor. I dropped my hands to my sides and swallowed hard, preparing for the worst. Clearly, something had been bad enough for her to leave work.

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