Chapter 23

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Harry was about to break and I looked around, desperate to find an idea. I watched as Leo drew the large shades that covered the windows only to have the pounding increase against the glass. Irritation and anger flowed threw my veins like hot lead and I could feel myself shaking. I stormed over to the door, flipped the lock, and swung the door open before anyone could stop me. 

As soon as I came outside, the crowd was quiet as side from the clicking of the cameras. I ignored the dirty looks and wanted to laugh at the disappointment on some of their faces. I wouldn't move away from the door, despite their attempts to push through. 

"Stop, just stop!" I shouted. The look on my face must have been intimidating because a couple girls stepped back. I cleared my throat and tried to speak as calmly as I could.

"Listen, I know all of you want to see Harry but he he really just wants a break right now. Please, everyone, try to remember he's just like you," I caught a few nods while others were clearly upset. I kept my voice strong but kind. I didn't want there to be anything negative coming out of this.

"Harry loves you all and would be really upset if we had to call security. So, everyone, please move along and let him be." I looked a few of them in the eye as they stood in silence. At first, I grew scared. I thought I was standing in the calm before the storm until a heard someone call out.

"Listen to her! Let's leave Harry alone!" Other voices agreed and slowly but surely, the crowd began to move and separate. A few girls who were in hysterics, came up to apologize.

"It's alright, girls. Don't cry," I said softly. They wiped their face as they smiled. Finally, the last of the paparazzi gave up, offered me a few choice words, and left. I let out a breath that I had been holding in and turned to go back inside. The sound of applause filled the shop, causing me to jump. I looked behind me in search of the one receiving the welcome, only to figure out that it was being directed towards me. I let out a laugh and took a bow. The customers clapped a few more times before sitting back down and resuming their business. 

"I was so scared for you. I told you they were crazy but I can't believe you made them move," Leo said, excitedly, "I thought I was going to have to call the cops."

I nodded but my eyes searched for him. The table where he was sitting was now empty.

"Where is he?" 

Leo jutted a thumb over her shoulder, "In the back. He wasn't looking so hot so I had him go into my office." I thanked her and quickly made my way to the back of the shop. I found Harry laying on the couch that was inside Leo's office. The room was dark with soft light coming from a lamp that sat on her desk. I walked over to him. His eyes were closed as he bit the inside of his cheek.

"They're all gone, Harry," I said, quietly, "I made them leave."

"You what?" His brows creased but he didn't open his eyes. I knelt down beside the couch and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"I told them to leave, so they did. They were upset but still, they're gone," I assured, remembering the crying girls. He opened his eyes and turned his face in my direction.

"How can someone your size make all of those people leave? Paul is huge but he can hardly be heard over the screams."

I shrugged, "I don't know. I just told them that if they left, I would give them your number so that they can call you all hours of the day."

His eyes widened but then he smiled, "You're funny."

"I'll be here all week." He smiled again but it was short lived. Hie brows crease again as he sat up. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"They got your picture, didn't they?"

"I don't know. Probably, but Harry, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to-".

"It does matter, Stevie, you don't understand. Now they're either going to bash you or have a go at me for having you go and defend me. This is all going to be a huge fucking mess," he said as he brought his hands to his face and leaned forward.

I couldn't decide whether to be angry or upset as I tried to process Harry's words. I took in a deep breath to stay level.

"You know, a simple thank you would have sufficed and if you're worried about my offending your manhood, I didn't I was scared shitless when I went out there but I did it for you. Because, I love you," my voice shook which made Harry look at me. I swallowed back my tears. Fuck. I never used to cry but ever since Harry, it's started to become a usual thing for me. He came and bashed my walls in and left me with raw emotion. He didn't say anything so I continued.

"If I risked my identity to save you, then they can have it, Harry. You're worth more to me than that." I looked down at my hands that were shaking in my lap, "You have to know that."

Harry's hands came into view as he took hold of my face and brought it up to meet his eyes.

"Of course I do. I don't care what they say about me. It's what they'll say about you that worries me. I'm sorry about what I said earlier. It wasn't what I meant," his voice was soft and his eyes were pleading.

"Thank you, Stevie, for everything..for saving me. You've done so in more ways you could never imagine." His thumb wiped away a tear that had escaped, despite my efforts. All I could do was give him a small smile. He brought my forehead to his lips and left a gentle kiss.

"I love you," he whispered.

"And I love you."

When we left the office, we said our goodbyes to Leo and Harry apologized again.

"Don't worry, sweets. It's not a problem," she reassured. She thanked me for the prints and we left. Harry kept his hand in mine as we walked down the sidewalk. We stopped in various shops and there were times that we would be stopped by a few people. Harry kept a brave face but I could tell that the events from earlier had his nerves shot.

When we got back to the apartment, he made the suggestion to spend the rest of the weekend at home and I agreed, wholeheartedly. 

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