Chapter 30

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There were quite a few people that came to Charlie's funeral. Maggie was very thankful for the prints I had made. I knew that Kerri was as well but ever since the day at the hospital, she hadn't been coping well. Maggie had told me that Kerri was doing what she needed to and I watched her as she accepted sympathies from the passing guests.

Her expression was the same as it had been in the hospital, blank and stoic. Her eyes showed little emotion as she spoke and even the funny stories told by close friends couldn't even crack a smile. I felt awful for her. She was the last, just like me, and I told her that I would be there for her if she needed someone. Other than that, I kind of stayed in the background, covered by my umbrella.

It was cliche weather for a funeral as rain came down over the cemetery. I tried to fight away memories from my own past as I watched in silence. Things were different on that day. The sun and clear sky had mocked my pain and I was alone as I stood beside my dad's grave. There were a few people that paid their respects. Most of them were people that he had worked with and those who lived around us in the apartment complex. There were no family members because we didn't have them. We had ourselves and that was it. 

And now Kerri was going through the same thing, only she had ones that cared. She had so much love and concern. One could see it everywhere. The seats were filled at the service and there was not a single dry eye to be seen.

Earlier, I had wondered where Liam was. He had sent me a text asking when the services were and I had replied. I didn't know much about the relationship between him and Kerri but I thought that maybe he would have made it for the funeral.

I let out a shaken sigh when they began to lower the casket but my eyes were focused on Kerri. She was showing signs of the grief beginning to consume her. She covered her face with her hands and muffled sobs were heard. I took a step forward as her knees began to buckle but someone had beat me to it.

I watched in disbelief as I saw Liam catch Kerri and wrap his arms around her, holding her up as she put her weight into him. She buried her face into his neck as he whispered something only meant for her to hear. The scene caused a pang of sadness to hit the pit of my stomach as I was forced to remember how much I missed someone.

I looked away and over to Maggie until something else caught my eye. I saw Zayn standing with his hands in the pockets of his jacket with only a hood keeping the rain from drenching him completely. I walked over to him and he smiled when I caught his line of sight. I lifted my umbrella to cover the both of us and he thanked me.

"Didn't think I'd see you here," he whispered.

"Apparently, it's a really small world," I said with a slight smile.

We both looked at the scene in front of us. Liam had moved the both of them into the chairs that were once occupied by other guests. Kerri's body was shaking from her sobs and he was desperately trying to console her. He turned towards us and the look on his face made my heart hurt. He got up and walked over to us but not before he had Maggie take his place next to Kerri. 

"Hey, Stevie," he said. He sounded exhausted.

"You got here just in time. I didn't think you would make it."

"There was a delay."

I nodded and he turned back towards Kerri. He brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck and he furrowed his brows.

"Um, if you don't mind, could you take Zayn with you when you leave? I don't know how long I'll be here and well...".

I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled, "Of course, Liam. You don't have to explain."

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