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Winter finale! I'm sad to say it, but I will not be updating this story during the break. Also, I'm stopping this book because of the amount of chapters. The final 10 episodes will be in a different book. It's called, Whispers.

2023 Update- ugh that entire paragraph made me cringe. Anyway, my revisions on this book has come to an end! I'll probably revise Whispers next, just to conclude this 'series', I suppose you could call it.

An exhausted sigh involuntarily leaves my lips as Stiles' figure fades into the void. I'm not crazy, I know he was here. Lydia seen him too, I know she did. That loving look in her eyes brought back all of the memories of them together, just as it had done to me.

I forgot I had a brother and suddenly, I see him. I remember all of the good and albeit, bad, times together. I remember growing up around mom in the hospital. I remember we went on calls with dad, not life-threatening calls of course, but we would drive around the block and dad would make up scenarios. Stiles and I loved playing detective. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't turn out like dad, either in the police force or detective shit.

"When I kissed you... when I kissed you- Stiles, keep going!" She pauses. "Don't stop, I see you!"

Lydia's voice remains hopeful and drained. I know tired of chasing ghosts. I know she's tired of trying to convince everyone that Stiles exists. I know this because I'm in the same boat.

The void completely shuts, leaving us to a dark room once again. With no Stiles.

"What the... you saw him, right? Carrie, tell me you saw him too. It was working!" Lydia frantically rambles. "It was working..."

The dark room obnoxiously reminds me that my brother was here. He was so close to coming back. If we could've kept it open a little while longer, we could've. Now, I may never see him again.

Malia and Scott exchange confused glares.

"We didn't see anyone." Malia gently states. She tries to tread lightly. "Carrie, I'm so sorry."

Lydia protests. Her eyes don't move from the spot where the void closed.

"No, he was here. Stiles was here, I know he was."

She isn't backing down, and honestly, I'm on her side. I have a feeling that the empty feeling I've had for years is the impact Stiles had on me.

"I don't care if you guys didn't see him, I know he's real. I know he's the missing part of myself." I mumble. "I have to find a way to get him back. I'm not... I'm not myself without Stiles."

"Carrie? Carrie, where are you?" Josh calls through the tunnels.

I don't have time to deal with him right now. I need this to be over. I need my brother back, I need to talk to my dad, and I need a nap.

"I need to talk to my dad, see if he knows anything about this strange void." I add. "Scott, you should check on Theo and Liam. Lydia, Malia, I need you to lure a Ghost Rider here."

"What should I do?" Josh asks.

"Come with me to talk to my dad. There's strength in numbers."

"About that... Care, your dad is... gone. The Ghost Riders took him." Josh replies.

I scoff and shake my head.

"None of you thought to tell me?" I ask in disbelief.

"All of this unnecessary stress isn't good for the baby."

I'm sorry and pardon my French, but what the fuck? How is my dad disappearing 'unnecessary stress'? How is my brother disappearing 'unnecessary'?

"Unnecessary? I lost my entire family, I relive their deaths over and over and over- involuntarily. So don't you dare say that my family's disappearance is 'unnecessary'." I reply.

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