Chapter Three

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     You sighed as you finished the last dish, it took you quite a while to finish all of them. You left the kitchen and headed outside to help Finny, let's face it, he probably needed major help.

     You walked outside, sunshine hitting your face as you grinned at Finny. Currently, he was squatting in front of the bushes watering them, except, there was a puddle around one.

     "Finny!" You exclaimed playfully as you walked quickly towards him, he shook his head looked down.

     "Oh my young lord! What if Sebastian finds out that I've overwatered this bush?! He'll kill me!" Finny explained worryingly.

     Your eyes turned dark, your eyes color turning dark. "Who said we had to tell him? We could always mix or change some dirt around..." You whispered to him as he nodded repeatedly.

     You helped Finny with his problem and left, heading towards Bard's kitchen. "Need help?" You asked him while leaning on the doorway, you hand on your hip and a smirk plastered on your features.

     He sighed and looked at you, you looked around. 'He tried making a cake!' You thought laughing as all the ingredients were on the floor, cabinets, and on countless bowls. Bard hesitantly nodded.

     You laughed again and helped him with cleaning the kitchen. You helped him bake a cake, correctly, and told him to carefully present it at dinner for dessert.

     'Next stop: Mey-Rin.'  You thought as you exited the kitchen, you walked around the house until you found her.

     She was on the floor... on top of Sebastian, and she was blushing furiously. You felt a pin in your chest, your eyes widened and you had the urge to run away but you resisted.

     You cleared your throats and looked at Mey-Rin, you looked at you and squeaked, she immediately got off of Sebastian and picked up the broken tea set.

     You angrily hugged at her, you were assuming that tea set was worth hundreds and she carefully broke it. "Mey-Rin, next time you carry tea to the young master, don't trip, fall, and BREAK the dang tea set that costs hundreds. Do I make myself clear?" You asked her, aggravated, she frantically nodded and picked the broken set up.

     Once she left, you looked around, wondering where the tea itself was launched. Then, your eyes settled on Sebastian's suit, it was almost drenched in... tea...

     You face palmed at Mey-Rin's actions. You looked at Sebastian, who looked angry and shocked.

     "You should probably go change and wash that..." You said nervously, scratching the back of your neck.

     His gaze turned from angry, to cheerful. "I suppose I should, shouldn't I? Well, I'll see you after, Y/N." He told you cheerfully before leaving.

      After an aimless hour of walking around the house with nothing to do or nobody to help you looked for Sebastian. You checked in every hall, the kitchen, dining room, and finally landed outside.

     You walked towards the rose bushes, maybe he was trimming the roses. You were right. He stood there with a new suit, his gloved hand delicately moved towards a new rose and trimmed it with the necessary equipment.

     "Say, Sebastian, do you need any help?" You asked him as you walked towards him. He looked at you and gave you a closed-eye smile while trimming another rose.

     "Now that I think about it, yes, I do. Would you mind cleaning the young master's bedchamber, the servants room's; not including my own, and the young master's office all in 4 hours?" He asked politely, he sighed and shook his head. He was about to speak when you interrupted him.

     "I'll go do it right away!" You said cheerfully as you left.

     First, the young master's bedroom. You quickly cleaned it and organized it. Before leaving, you double checked and were satisfied.

     Second, the rooms of your coworkers, excluding Sebastian Michealis. First you did Mey-Rin's as you knew where everything was. You sometimes went in there to chat with her at night.

     Then, Finny and Bard's room. Theirs were fairly easy as they didn't have many things.

     Third and last, the young master's office. Luckily, the young master was at dinner so you'd have to pick up the pace. You quickly cleaned and organized the room. Leaving as soon as you finished.

     2 hours had passed by and you need to finish them by 4 hours. Wow. You walked around, looking for Sebastian to inform him.

     You finally found him cleaning the dishes, like you were earlier. "Sebastian, I have finished with cleaning." You told him with a small smile, he raised an eyebrow.

     "Have you? Let's go check them, after all, this is your first time cleaning them..." He said while finishing the last dish and leaving. You sighed, he didn't believe you.

     He quickly examined every room you cleaned and found them all perfectly in order. He raised both of his elegant brows. "I see, so you have finished, and nicely at that." He stated with his eyes boring into yours, you lightly blushed and looked away.

     He chuckled at your face. "Good job, I'll be sure to inform the young master that you have succeeded your expectations." He spoke with a tone that was soft, when you came back to earth, you realized he left. You sighed and went to bed.

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