Chapter Five

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Over the past week, you had been helping Sebastian more and more with his chores, not forgetting to do yours well. You considered him a friend and you loved talking to him.

Currently, you were walking to the garden. You had finished your chores and you needed to clear your mind of something that has been on your head.

You sat down on the soft green grass, looking up at the sky and sighing. "When I'm around Sebastian, I always want to impress him. Whenever I'm around him, I feel weirdly. I feel butterflies in my stomach when he says my name... could it be that I am... in love? With Sebastian?" You thought as you stood and began stretching your legs and arms.

"Now that I've thought about it well... yes, I am in love with Sebastian. That's why I felt a pang in my heart when he danced with another woman at our past ball, I felt jealousy. That's why I always blush around him; I'm in love with him!" You thought looking around, nobody was around. You were relieved, nobody would see the blush coming on your cheeks.

      You were suddenly tackled to the ground, you turned the attacker around and sighed, you got up and helped the person get up.

     "Y/N! I am so sorry for tripping, yes!" Mey-Rin exclaimed with a worried expression. Your expression went from brooding to cheerful in seconds.

     "Don't worry Mey-Rin!" You told her with a closed-eyed smile. Then, you looked at her curiously.

     "Oh! The young lord would like you in his office. The reason is unknown, yes." She informed while dusting herself off. You nodded and dismissed her.

     You began walking towards Ciel's office and soon you arrived. You knocked on the door three times, you heard a faint 'come in' and entered.

"I heard you wanted to talk to me, young master?" You said with one knee on the ground and a hand on your heart. He beckoned you up so you stood. To Ciel's left was Sebastian, his eyes glistened dangerously.

"Yes. I've heard that you've been helping Sebastian everyday with his chores while doing yours too. That is impressive, it shows you are more useful than everyone working here, excluding Sebastian." Ciel said as he stood.

"Thank you, young master." You told him with a smile.

"It's Ciel. Call me by my first name from now on." Ciel ordered as you nodded. You looked at Sebastian, the look of shock on his face was barely visible. You resisted the urge to laugh.

"Of course, Ciel." You informed with a smile. Ciel looked unimpressed.

"I want you to know that you are my second most trusted servant in this manor." Ciel told you while sitting down again.

"I feel honored." You stated as Ciel dismissed you, you left with a good feeling. When you opened the door, your eyes looked at them curiously.

"PLEASE DON'T FIRE Y/N! SHE'S GOOD AT EVERYTHING!" You saw Mey-Rin, Finny, and Bard yell with their hands pressed together.

"What the devil is this? Even if I were to fire her, it's none of your businesses. Leave and do your chores at once." Ciel ordered as he pointed at them.

You eyes heard footsteps, there were many. Your head perked up and you looked at the three clumsy servants. "The manor is about to be attacked; resume your positions!" You ordered them, they turned serious and nodded.

They left and you looked at Sebastian, waiting for your order. "Dear Y/N, protect the young master while we deal with this." He told you with a smile as he left. You slightly nodded.

     You had the young earl, as much as he protested, hide under his desk. You pushed the chair in and sat on the desk, preparing to whip out your throwing knives at any moment.

     Around a minute after sitting down on he desk, the door was knocked down brutally. A man with brown hair and a red bandana walked in. He was tall, muscular, and had a katana.

     You smirked at him. "You've finally arrived, took you long enough to be honest." You said cockily as you quickly grabbed three knives and threw them at him.

     He moved his katana to block all three of your knives and charged at you. You grabbed two knives and held off he katana while kneeing him in the gut.

He bended down in pain and you stabbed the two knives into his shoulders, you smirked at him before feeling immense pain.

"Now that I've found the little rascal, there's no need for you." The man said cockily. You slowly turned around, Ciel stood straight with a stoic face. You looked down. Your outfit was coated with thick red blood.

As the man removed his katana from your stomach, you fell to your knees. Before losing conscious, you heard Ciel yell.

"Sebastian! This is an order; kill that man!"

Please Do:

I'm sorry this update took quite a while, I've been having a case of writers block and have had stuff going on in my life. Do forgive me.

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