Chapter Six

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You awoke to a bright light in your face, you felt something warm leave your lips. You opened your eyes to find Sebastian looking at you with a closed-eye smile, you looked around. You were in your room. "What happened?" You asked curiously, rubbing your eyes before looking at Sebastian.

"The intruder you fought injured you, thus I had to kill him. Do not fret, we took care of you and I did all your duties for you. You've been asleep for a couple days. Please do recover quickly, we have guests coming soon." Sebastian informed before quickly leaving.

You looked at the time, it was noon, the time your duties were meant to be taken care of. You stood and quickly changed, you realized you were in your room. You left and resumed your duties, determined to not be a bother.

A couple days later, the guests Sebastian spoke of finally arrived. You stood at the door along with your friends. Ciel stood with Sebastian, a stoic expression resting on his childlike features. You saw Sebastian open the door, a friendly smile on his face as he welcomed both guests.

"Ciel! It's been a while! How have you been? Agni and I have missed you!" You heard the man yell as he entered along with Agni, you assumed. He had a heavy accent and by the way he dressed, you could tell he was from a foreign country.

"Soma. I have been fine, how have you been?" Ciel addressed and asked as both Agni and Soma looked at you. You showed a close-eyed smile at them and looked away, a light blush adorning your cheeks.

Soma ignored Ciel's question, he walked towards you quickly. "I am Prince Soma! It is nice to meet you!" He said as he grabbed your hand and shook it several times.

"Y/N, and likewise." You politely told the man, you saw that Agni couldn't look away from you, strange...

"I have prepared dinner in the dining room, we would very much appreciate you to join us, Soma. Agni may help the Phantomhive manor while you tell us about your latest ventures." Sebastian said politely as he, Ciel, and Soma walked away.

Sebastian looked at you and nodded, putting you in charge. You looked at Agni, who was walking towards you. "My name is Agni, it is nice to meet you. I just wanted to tell you, you look very lovely." Agni spoke quietly. Mey-Rin, Bard, and Finny all yelled an 'Ooooh'. Tanaka had left with Sebastian, being his little self.

Just as you were about to respond, Agni brought your hand to his lips and left a small kiss on the back of your hand. You blushed and looked away, only to look at Sebastian's angry face. Agni realized Sebastian was standing there and quickly let go of your hand. "I am disappointed, Y/N. I expected obedience." He told you, you looked down and mumbled a 'sorry...'

He dismissed you, Mey-Rin, Finny, and Bard. As you walked away, you could hear arguing.

-The Next Day-

You woke up quickly, got dressed, and did your duties. You walked towards the rose garden, where you and Sebastian usually talked to find that he wasn't there. Instead, you found a note stuck to a tree. You walked towards it and read it aloud.


Dear Y/N,

Sorry I cannot attend our daily talk. Today, we wont be talking much, I have to do much more than usual and will be incredibly busy. The same will happen until our guests take their leave. Please do NOT talk to Agni, he is a distraction and won't do any good for you. I hope you have a wonderful day and once again, I'm sorry. Until then, farewell.


Sebastian Michaelis

P.S. I really do ask of you to not talk to Agni, please do as I say.


The note made you suddenly smile, he was sorry and at the same time a little worried for you. It saddened you that you wouldn't talk to him, but all you could do was wait patiently. You shoved the note into your pocket, you sighed and walked away. You helped your coworkers with their jobs and then retired to your room. With around 7 hours to spare, you decided to grab a couple books and read.

-A Couple Days Later-

It was nighttime and you were tired. You showered, brushed your teeth, and as you were changing, your door opened. You didn't hear and kept undressing.

You heard someone clear their throat so you quickly turned around. Sebastian stood there, his eyes looked at your current position. He quickly looked away and you blushed profusely. "I knocked and didn't hear anything so I came in, I am very sorry. I shall leav-"

"No!" You blurted, Sebastian looked a bit surprised. You grabbed your sweatpants and matching undershirt, quickly putting them on. "What is of the matter? You came in for a reason... right?" You asked, sitting on your bed as your completely soaked hair wet the back of your undershirt. You patted the space next to you and Sebastian hesitantly sat there. You quickly closed the door and sat back down.

"I just wanted to inform that our guests have taken their leave, our usual daily routines will begin again tomorrow." He told you with a fake close-eyed smile. You took a good look at his expression, there was something else...

"What is the other subject you want to tell me about?" You asked, a curious look on your face as Sebastian sighed, and once again smiled.

"Well, you see..."


"The Queen has ordered Ciel to complete a mission, and I, as his loyal butler, must go with him. We will not see each other for a while, it could take weeks or even months... That is all." He told you hesitantly, you had never seen Sebastian show this much emotion.

"I see..." You whispered, breaking the silence. "When are you leaving?" You asked him.

"We are leaving at the moment, I wanted to bid you farewell." He answered, you looked away, a sad expression taking place on your features.

"I understand... I wish you the best of luck, be careful."

"Likewise, my dear Y/N." He said before leaving. You grabbed his arm, he looked at you curiously. You quickly hugged him and let go, his shocked expression turned into a smile quickly. He left and you laid on your bed. You sighed and turned your light off, closing your eyes as you let the darkness take you away...

Please Do:

I am so super duper crazy incredibly sorry that I have not posted in so long. I have been so busy with school and I've had writer's block on this story. I plan on posting more often and to finish this story. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next one will hopefully come soon! :) <3

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