Chapter Ten

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You woke up undressed. What you were scared about had happened that night... You really hoped Sebastian did love you, because you had given him your virginity, and you could never get it back.

You sighed then hopped in the shower. You then realized that he did love you as you looked around your body. On your left hip, a mark of demon wings had appeared.

"He marked me as his... for eternity..." You thought aloud as you looked in the mirror. Your eyes were pinkish, reddish. Your eyes widened. You had become a demon! You grabbed onto the counter for support as your shock had gotten the better of you.

You composed yourself rather quickly and laughed. You dressed into your attire and left towards the kitchen. Your eyes scanned everywhere, looking for Sebastian.

     You gave up and began doing your duties, helping others along the way. You kept walking through hallways and during one duty, you encountered someone.

     "What are you doing here, Claude?" You asked, he pushed his glasses up and pointed towards the garden. You sighed and met him there.

     "I was here to take you back, but now I can't, as you are now a demon engaged to my nemesis. The Trancy manor would've been lucky to have someone as skilled as you, what a shame." He said before leaving, not allowing you to respond. You shrugged and tended the garden while you were there.

     Sebastian surprised you as he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck. "You're not very clever, Sebastian. You thought I wouldn't notice the mark you left on me and how I'm a demon now."

     "That was my intention, dear Y/N. That mark and your transformation is the proof of my love to you. Demons can only mate once, and I chose you to be with me for eternity. I hope that you aren't angry."

     "I could never be angry. I love you, Sebastian, and I am honored that you chose me."

     "I love you too, dear Y/N. Besides that, the young earl would like you in his office. I shall accompany you." Sebastian said as you nodded. You followed him to Ciel's office.

     "Ciel, you wanted to see me?" You asked as you got on one knee and bowed. He shooed Sebastian away and stood from his chair.

     "You have been allowed one day off, choose wisely as you most likely won't get another day off for a very long time." Ciel told you with a serious facial expression.

     You nodded. "I am very thankful, may I use it today?" You asked, he nodded. He dismissed you and you left the manor. You headed into the streets to explore as you hadn't been around for months. You were hungry but you knew you couldn't eat normally anymore and ignored it.

     You walked the streets and along the way, you saw two little boys. One was laying down on the bench and the other was crying. You walked towards them.

     "What's wrong?" You asked nicely as you patted his back. He sniffled and cried again.

"My-my br-brother is sick and I can't help him! Th-the doc-doctors say he has a fatal sickness and there's no hope." The kid answered crying.

You felt your hunger grow and your eyes turned pink. "I can help, if you let me eat your soul, your brother will be healthy and will live a long life... Make a contract with me and I'll fix him right up, at the cost of your life."

The boy kept sniffling and turned to you. "O-ok. I accept but please keep your promise."

"Will you make a contract with me so your brother can keep living?" You asked the kid, your voice turning deeper and your eyes turning red.

"Yes." The kid answered as he stopped crying. An upside down pentagram appeared on your right hand and on the kids left hand.

You smiled wickedly, your demon side temporarily taking over. You walked up to the kids brother and kissed his forehead. He woke up and saw nobody.

You ran with the kid on your shoulder, nobody saw you as you had incredible speed. You ran into an alleyway and set the kid down.
He mumbled a "Thank you." As his soul was eaten.

You woke up on your bed with Sebastian sitting on a chair next to you. "What happened?" He asked you, a worried expression on his devilishly handsome features.

You quietly answered. "I had my first contract."

"I did not expect you to have a contract so quickly, how did it go, dear Y/N?"

"I fulfilled his wish."

"What made you want a contract?"

"I don't know... I was hungry and then all I could see were my actions through my eyes; I couldn't control myself." You answered while tearing up.

"It is quite ok, Y/N. All you need is to be trained, and I can train you." Sebastian told you while running his fingers through your hair.

You nodded and broke down, you couldn't help it. To think that you had killed a little boy, even if it wasn't against his will, it still broke you.

     You hugged Sebastian and composed yourself. If this was the price to be with him, you would do it, even if you became cold.

Sebastian walked you to Ciel's office and he explained everything that had happened to you.

Ciel dismissed Sebastian and sighed. He stood from his chair and you glanced at him. "Are you alright, Y/N?" He asked.

"Yes, my lord." You answered while composing yourself. He cleared his throat and looked you straight in the eyes.

"You'll be trained by Sebastian, I don't want an untamed beast wandering my house." He told you, he looked away and sighed.

     You nodded. "Yes, of course, Ciel. I'll do my best to make you happy." You answered with a hand on your heart and a closed eye smile.

     "Now that that is out of the way, Y/N, you will now form a contract with me."

~•~The Next Day~•~

   You were currently in the kitchen washing dishes. The others had continuously been chatting and glancing at you. It didn't really bother you, you just did your job and did it with a smile.

     "Y/N, is it true that you're dating Sebastian?" Mey-Rin asked you curiously, she lightly blushed from being nosy.

     You nodded and turned to look at her as you finished your chores. "Yes, it is true. I am dating Sebastian, but that won't stop me from doing my duties so don't worry." You answered with a smile.

~•~With Sebastian~•~

     Currently, Sebastian was dressing the young earl as he had a meeting to deal with due to his business, Funtom Corporation. They planned to make their famous rabbit in different colors.

     As Sebastian undressed the young lord, he noticed something peculiar. He looked at Ciel's left hip, a contract symbol stood there. He laughed and continued helping Ciel while receiving strange glances from his young lord.

     'I always knew she'd be mischievous.'

Please Do:

     I tried my best and hopefully you all enjoyed it. <3 Thank you for the comments! They motivate me to continue. I'll try to update soon. Love you all! <3

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