Chapter Seven

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<3 Please Excuse The Language <3

It was 8am in the morning and you were currently doing Sebastian's duties. Cooking the food, cleaning each room, tending the garden, checking for intruders, making sure everything was in place, and more. You often wondered how he got everything done in such a short amount of time. You shook the thought off and kept doing his duties.

     Hours had passed and when you checked the clock it read, "3pm." You sighed and finished up Sebastian's duties, moving onto yours afterward. You felt a chill go down your spine, but you knew nothing could creep up on you due to your ears. Or, that's what you thought.

     Something was quickly shoved onto your nose and mouth. You stopped breathing and kicked the persons knees with the back of your foot. When that didn't work, you grabbed the persons head and flipped them to where they were on the floor in front of you.

"I honestly didn't expect that, dear Y/N. No wonder the Phantomhive manor doesn't spread a word about you." A man with golden eyes and glasses stated. You cringed as he emphasized dear.

You began feeling droopy, you had breathed in a bit. It began to take effect almost immediately before you focused on taking him down. You slowly fell to your knees, your hands on the floor as you tried to fight it. It was impossible.

Soon after, the man kneeled in front of you while pushing his glasses up. "Quite a jewel." You heard before being blindfolded and falling unconscious.

~•~Hours Later~•~

You woke up in a room like yours, the colors and furniture were different but everything was placed the same. You sighed. "I'm such a weakling for getting kidnapped." You thought angrily as you stood.

You walked towards the door, your hand slowly turned the doorknob and surprisingly, it was unlocked. You opened the door and confetti was... everywhere?

"SURPRISE! Welcome to the Trancy manor! We do hope you'll enjoy living here from now on!" A kid almost the size of Ciel shouted. He had black shorts and a green shirt. A purple long coat was draped over his shoulders. His shoes were black knee-high boots with a purple bow in the middle of both.

You faked a closed-eye smile. "Why, thank you, but I don't believe I shall be living here. I'd be happy to stay a couple days, but that is all. I must resume my duties at the Phantomhive manor soon, I dislike being late on my job."


Your closed-eye smile still took place on your features. You felt two stings on your cheeks but did not mind, you'd live.

He had slapped then back slapped you without mercy, you wanted to laugh but held it in. He was weak!

"You will live here and you will serve the Trancy manor! If you do not I will kill you myself and have no mercy on your pathetic slutty self! Be a good bitch and follow my damn orders!" The kid yelled as he tried to slap you again.

You closed your eyes lightly, willing to take the blow, but the man who had kidnapped you jumped in front of you.

"CLAUDE! I am so, so, so sorry! It won't happen again! I'll slap this bitch again because of what-"

"Your highness, I highly suggest you do not hit poor Y/N, as that will increase the chances of rebellion and that will cause too much trouble." The man named Claude told the little blonde boy.

"You have a point, Claude. Hannah, go get her a uniform. You three, go do your duties!" The kid told Hannah and the triplets. You need to learn names.

Hannah lightly grabbed your arm and led you to your room, again. She took out a uniform and held it in front of you. She turned around while you undressed and made some changes to where you had messed up.

You sighed, you didn't have your knives and couldn't attack anyone. You wondered where they kept them. Hannah told you what to do and you followed directions. Either it was be a slave for the rest of your life, of try to escape. You were going to try number two.

You planned that whole day while cleaning, you were told not to destroy spider webs and you nodded. A couple days went by, and you had the perfect plan.

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