In the year 2001 a boy named Kei was born in a very rich and prestigious family called Haiku, which were well known for their multiple and successful companies around the country. At the same time a girl named Aimi was born in an intelligent and fairly wealthy family called Daly who didn't stand out that much but their few small companies where well known for being the only ones to beat the Haiku's.
When they were little kids, Kei and Aimi met a few times at their parents company parties but they never really interacted in their family presence, however in school they respected and liked each other. Kei was told by his father that the Daly family were rivals and they should never be allowed to win and Aimi was taught that the Haiku family was nothing to worry about and they are just arrogant and not very smart.
By the time Aimi was eight, she was at the top of her class in every subject and the brightest girl in school while Kei was always second place. Kei's parents were extremely frustrated by this, so they hired tutors to teach him but that didn't changed the fact that Aimi was still the best.
One day, when Aimi was waiting at the school gate to be collected, Kei went up to her and shouted,
"I will beat you and steal first place from you! Just you wait!"
He then, hopped into a car and drove off. Aimi didn't quite understood what he meant by 'first place' so, she ignored it. Suddenly a car pulled up in front of her and the window rolled down.
"Sorry we're late, darling, work dragged on latter that we expected!" someone said.
"It's ok mommy, I didn't wait too long!" said Aimi with a big smile. She jumped into the car, placed herself in the middle back seat and put on her seatbelt.
"How was your day, honey?" Mrs. Daly asked.
"It was a good, I got 100% on my surprise pop quiz today",
"Oh, is that so? That's my daughter alright!" Mr. Daly said, glancing at Mrs. Daily and then back on the road. Suddenly, a truck who didn't see the red light, bashed right into the left side of their car. The shock caused Aimi to pass out and when she woke up, she was in a hospital bed. She got up in a panic and looked for her parents.
A nurse walked in with a relieved smile on her face when she saw Aimi awake. Aimi started crying and the nurse quickly asked her if she was in pain.
"I want my mommy!" she cried out.
As soon as she did, the nurse's smile turned in a sad one.
"I'll go get your father for you, ok? I'll be back in a minute," said the nurse before leaving the room.
Aimi's father rushed in and hugged her with his one good hand that wasn't broken.
"Aimi...I'm so glad you're awake. You've been asleep for five days. I got so worried! I'm so happy you're alive!" Mr. Daly cried with a, still hugging Aimi tightly.
"Daddy, where's mommy?" Aimi asked wiping away her tears.
Mr. Daly froze, not knowing how to respond to his beloved daughter.
"Mommy had to go somewhere far, far away," he said letting go of Aimi, then resting his hand on her shoulder.
"Just know, she loves you, ok?" he continued, looking Aimi in the eye. Aimi was not dumb, she knew what he meant, that her mother died. She might have been an eight year old but she had the mind of a grown up. She placed her hand on her father's, looked at him and smiled
"I understand, daddy. I won't leave like mommy, I promise!" Aimi reassured him with a bright smile trying to hide her sadness as much as possible.
Hidden Feelings
RomantizmIt was my English homework but I said I'd post it since I haven't posted anything for a while. Wanna know what its about? Read it! ^.^