«Chapter 8»

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"Ashton please talk to us."

I just ignore them and continue to scroll through Instagram on my phone.

"I'm sorry, please talk to me Ashy." Luke whines and sits down next to me. He tries to cuddle into my side but I push him away and glare.

"Cuddling would imply that we're friends. But we're just fuck buddies so go away." I spit venomously.

They all flinch and Calum sighs.

"Ashton you know we didn't mean it like that." He mumbles sadly.

I roll my eyes and push Luke away from me again. I get down on my knees in front of Calum and pull him forward by the belt loops on his jeans.

"W-what are you doing ash?" He asks and I shrug.

"Your talking to me so that means you must want something, you know, since we're only fuck buddies." I look up at him and he gives me that sad look of his. Ever seen a kicked puppy? That's almost the exact interpretation of how Calum looks.

"Ashton..." Michael begins but I don't really wanna hear it. I get up and grab my phone from on the couch.

"If you don't want something then leave me alone. I don't wanna talk to you because we might become too close, and we couldn't have that now could we? It might scare the hell out of you guys to actually show some emotion." I slam the door to the dressing room before they can respond and walk down to the stage where the crew is running about.

I sigh and sit down in the audience. Though I couldn't help but let out a little laugh as I saw the boys come through the door to find me.

I had this. They were wrapped around my finger and it won't be long now until I have them exactly where I want them.

All I have to do is corner them and maybe then they'll admit their feelings? If they have any.

And if that doesn't work then I'm not sure what else to try, except for actually just telling them my feelings.

But that's a last resort.

Let's call that plan D.

Actually no, let's call that plan C. Because I feel like plan D is a little too funny.

More like plan get the D.

I snorted at that and started laughing, damn I'm funny.

Michael sits next to me and smiles.

"What's so funny?" He asks timidly and I guess he's expecting me to tell him off. I mean that's what I've been doing the past 2 days.

"You really wanna know?" I ask and the other boys perk up at the fact that I'm actually speaking to them in a civil manner.

"Yea." They all say excitedly.

"Well I just got a pic from..Dan." I hesitate only a second before putting my hands up to show them a size. "12 inches."

Michael's face goes red and Luke and Calum glare at the ground.

"No joke, I'm not kidding. He'd destroy me. Maybe I should give him a call?" I dangle my phone in front of them and pull it away quickly when Luke tries to grab it.

"On second thought, why call Dan when I have you guys? I mean, I'm on tour and I don't have time to go out and meet people, but you guys already know that, that's why you use me, isn't it?" I smile and get up, knowing fully well how much of a dick I'm being.

But hey, you are what you eat.

"Jeez I'm just joking." I punch Calum in the arm and start walking away. I stop to turn around to them again. "He's only 10 inches." I say before walking away again.

I contain my giggles until I'm in the hallway far enough away from them.

The boys were begging for forgiveness and were willing to wait hand and foot on me. If I asked for something they would already be up and getting what I needed before I even opened my mouth to ask for it.

So I guess you could say this week was off to a pretty good start.

But if everything went according to plan, then hopefully it would end even better.

I hate detention.

Stay lovely🌹


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