«Chapter 10»

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Luke, Michael and Calum all glared at each other, staying silent. They all just wished Ashton would hurry back with their food so they wouldn't have to be alone together anymore.

Calum was the one to finally break the silence. "You guys know that I started this whole thing first. I love him way more then you guys ever will." He grumbled.

"Oh please. I'm the one who met him first! Who cares if you had sex with him first? That doesn't show love." Michael spits.

"That doesn't mean anything! I'm closer to him then you two. I'm actually there for him, and I hang out with him all the time." Luke shoots back.

"We all hang out with him all the time you dumbass." Michael grumbles.

"Yeah well you two just use him for sex." Luke says and the other two jump up.

"I would never! I love him, he's more then just sex to me!" Calum yells.

"Who do you think I am?! I love him more then the both of you combined!" Michael yells at the same time.

Luke jumps up as well, now all three of them are yelling in each others faces, trying to prove who loves Ashton more.

"What the hell happened." Calum suddenly says and sits back down with a sigh.

The other two look at him, confused.

"Guys look at us. We're best buds, we shouldn't be fighting like this."

The other two sigh as well but nod. "Yeah, it's just. I love him so much and the thought of him not being mine? It kills me." Michael mumbles and Luke nods.

"I think, that we need to just stop and let him decide. I mean we don't even know if he likes one of us." Calum says and the other two agree, the thought that Ashton didn't love them making them all sad.

"No more fighting?" Luke asks and the other two nod. "So what do we do?" He asks.

"We tell him and let him choose." Luke and Calum agree but Michael quickly adds, "But no matter who he chooses, we won't let this ruin our friendship."

"Let the best man win." Calum says jokingly, trying to defuse the tension of the past few weeks and the other two nod.

"Yeah." The door to their hotel room suddenly opens and Ashton comes running in with a smile.

"Got the food!" Ashton yells and sets it down on the coffee table.

"Just in time." Luke mutters to himself. The three boys share a glance before walking over to Ashton.

This was going to be one hell of a ride, but hey, let the fun begin.

25 votes and 5 comments and I'll double update?

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