Trouble Brewing.

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"Goodbye, Sherlock! Goodbye, John!"

The front door slammed shut after a quick reply from John. Mrs Hudson made a bee-line for the kitchen, where she checked the heft of the kettle on the counter, before turning it on. 

John and Sherlock were going on a day trip to solve a case. Nothing unusual. The kettle started to boil and Mrs Hudson let herself glance towards Sherlock's bedroom. Moriarty. Teabags. Mrs Hudson adeed a PG tips bag to her tea-cup. Mrs Hudson smiled at the cup with the Union Jack on it. Then the smile was gone; she bit her bottom lip as her eyes wondered back to his door. The boiling intensified as her stare did.

Mrs Hudson had been fighting her lesser-self for weeks; the part of her that wished to read Moriarty's secrets just would not hush up. Mrs Hudson rubbed her hands together as the kettle's intensifying popped to a stop. She poured it's steaming contents into her cup, the kettle still purring as it's boiling slowed to an end.

She then went to get the milk, trying to ignore the severed head at the top of the fridge. It would have been less unsettling if it had still had eyes. Mrs Hudson frowned at her boys' actvities, before grabbing the semi-skimmed milk and shutting the fridge door on the moribid display within. 

She would've had her cup of tea in her own flat, if it hadn't been for her kettle breaking. Was it fate that had made her house-hold-appliance die - for if Mrs Hudson hadn't had to make her tea in Sherlock's flat, then surely she would've had more restraint than to start edging towards Sherlock's room, after putting the milk away.

Cup in hand, she let herself into his room. She wondered over to his bed, set her drink down on his bed-side-table, and pulled out Sherlock's history from beneath his pillow. Supressing a guilty twinge, she found where she'd left off, and looked at the page after that.

"What!" She grinned, seeing that Moriarty was apparantly Sherlock's boyfriend now. "Oh, I hope this wouldn't upset John, if he knew he had competition. Although I suppose Moriarty won't be bothering anybody, anymore..." Mrs Hudson dawdled aloud, before she was sucked into the world that was Moriarty's. She was so locked up in this world, that someone could have been watching her - and she would not have noticed... So enthralled that she wouldn't notice the little specs of blood on the floor, either. 

Amor Before Moriarty - A Sheriarty Fanfiction (Sherlock)Where stories live. Discover now